Mesechtas Tevul Yom

Mesechtas Tevul Yom is the tenth mesechet in Seder Taharot and only has Mishnah and Tosefta. The Mishnah contains 26 mishnayot.

Part of a series on
Toras HaNigla
Meforshim: Rashi
Mishnah and Talmud
Seder Zeraim:

BerachosPeahDemaiKilayimShevi'itTerumotMa'aserotMa'aser SheniChallaOrlahBikkurim

Seder Moed:

ShabbosEruvinPesachimShekalimYomaSukkahBeitzahRosh HashanahTaanitMegillahMoed KatanChagigah

Seder Nashim:


Seder Nezikin:

Bava KamaBava MetziaBava BatraSanhedrinMakkotShevuotEduyotAvodah ZarahAvotHorayot

Seder Kodshim:


Seder Taharos:

KeilimOhalotNegaimParahTaharotMikvaotNiddahMachshirinZavimTevul YomYadayimUktzin

Midrash and Halacha
Shulchan Aruch

This mesechet deals with the laws of impurity of a person who has immersed in a mikveh but for whom the sun has not yet set.

Chapters of the MesechetEdit

  1. HaMachnis - Matters of connection and the impurity of "Tevul Yom" with foods.
  2. Mashkeh - Laws of "Tevul Yom" impurity with liquids.
  3. Kol Yadot - Laws of "Tevul Yom" impurity with food handles, and various foods.
  4. Ochel Maaser - Continuation of the laws of "Tevul Yom" impurity.

External LinksEdit

  • Text of Mesechet Tevul Yom - "Snunit" website
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