Mesechtas Bava Kama

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Shulchan Aruch

Tractate Bava Kama contains ten chapters and one hundred and eighteen pages. It is the first gate among the three tractates dealing with laws between man and his fellow man (which were later collected in Shulchan Aruch section Choshen Mishpat). The tractate deals with laws of damages, theft, and robbery.

This tractate is one of the Gemara tractates studied in Chabad yeshivas.

Mazik[edit | edit source]

A Mazik is a person, ox, or any other thing that causes damage to another's property.

Generally, the damaging agents are divided into four primary categories of damages: 'Shor' - goring with a horn or damage with a foot. 'Bor' - any hazard in the public domain created by a pit or any other thing. 'Maveh' - a person who causes damage and animals that cause damage through eating. 'Hev'er' - damage caused by fire.

When the Rebbe Rashab was about seven years old, his father the Rebbe Maharash sent him to be tested on the Mishnah dealing with the four primary categories of damages by his older brother of the Rebbe Maharash - Baruch Shalom. Reb Baruch told the Rebbe Rashab that he remembers when he was about seven years old, he went to the Alter Rebbe to be tested on this Mishnah, who gave him an explanation for each of the four categories: Shor - from the word "shur" (look), looking where they shouldn't. Bor - from the word "bur" (uncultivated), like an uncultivated field where wild plants grow, learning and fulfilling mitzvos but in a way of "learned men's commandment" - without proper service. Maveh - this is the tooth, making a blessing yet the food is still consumed. Hev'er - anger.

When the Rebbe Rayatz related this story, one of those present noted that there is another opinion that Maveh refers to a person, to which the Rebbe Rayatz responded: "We don't need a greater Mazik than man!"

Nichsei Melog[edit | edit source]

Nichsei Melog are properties of a married woman, which according to the laws of the Kesubah, the husband consumes the produce of the properties, while the principal belongs to the wife.

The meaning of the word 'melog' is cutting and diminishing, indicating that the husband consumes and diminishes the produce of the properties, and does not need to return them after divorce.

There is no halachic difference in this law between properties the woman had at the time of marriage and properties she received after marriage.

The Rebbe's Explanations[edit | edit source]

  • 2b. Words of Torah are not derived from words of Kabbalah. Likkutei Sichos Vol. 38 p. 120 note 47 (p. 132)
  • 12b. Shelamim (peace offerings) are eaten from the Most High's table. Likkutei Sichos Vol. 33 p. 66 (p. 78)
  • 54b. Whether an ox or any other animal. Likkutei Sichos Vol. 24 p. 146 (p. 162)
  • 82a. Eating garlic. Likkutei Sichos Vol. 33 p. 75 (p. 87)
  • 92a. Poverty follows the poor, as we learned regarding the wealthy. Likkutei Sichos Vol. 29 p. 145 (p. 160)
  • 92a. From where do we derive this common saying? Hitvaaduyot 1984 Vol. 1 p. 548 (p. 552), Hitvaaduyot 1988 Vol. 1
  • 98b. Regarding chametz on Pesach, everyone is commanded to eliminate it. Likkutei Sichos Vol. 31, Additions to Parshat Bo, p. 233
  • 103a. One should not give to his son's hand etc. Likkutei Sichos Vol. 7 p. 9 (p. 21)
  • 111b. The authority of an heir is not comparable to the authority of a purchaser. Likkutei Sichos Vol. 10 Bereishit p. 44 (p. 62)

Chabad Rebbes' Explanations[edit | edit source]

  • Tzemach Tzedek p. 258 (p. 266)