Mesechtas Zavim

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Masechet Zavim is the ninth tractate in the Order of Taharot and has only Mishnah and Tosefta.

The tractate discusses and details the laws of tumah (ritual impurity) of a zav and zavah (male and female with certain bodily discharges).

Chapters of the Tractate[edit | edit source]

  1. HaRoeh - The duration of the "discharge" that defines a person as a zav.
  2. HaKol Metamim - The types of people who can be considered zavim if they experience a discharge. The ways in which a zav makes objects impure by leaning on them.
  3. HaZav - The ways in which a zav makes objects impure by moving them, even without touching them.
  4. Rabbi Yehoshua - Continuation of the discussion from the previous chapter.
  5. HaNogea - A concise summary of the fundamentals of the entire Order of Taharot: the primary sources of impurity, the ways in which they transmit impurity, and the chain of impurity that each one is capable of transmitting.