Mesechtas Zevachim

Masechet Zevachim has 14 chapters and 119 pages.

Part of a series on
Toras HaNigla
Meforshim: Rashi
Mishnah and Talmud
Seder Zeraim:

BerachosPeahDemaiKilayimShevi'itTerumotMa'aserotMa'aser SheniChallaOrlahBikkurim

Seder Moed:

ShabbosEruvinPesachimShekalimYomaSukkahBeitzahRosh HashanahTaanitMegillahMoed KatanChagigah

Seder Nashim:


Seder Nezikin:

Bava KamaBava MetziaBava BatraSanhedrinMakkotShevuotEduyotAvodah ZarahAvotHorayot

Seder Kodshim:


Seder Taharos:

KeilimOhalotNegaimParahTaharotMikvaotNiddahMachshirinZavimTevul YomYadayimUktzin

Midrash and Halacha
Shulchan Aruch

The tractate deals with the laws of offering sacrifices. In every mitzvah there is a thought component, a speech component, and an action component. The thought component of the mitzvah of bringing sacrifices is prayer, the speech component is studying Masechet Zevachim, and the action component is in offering the sacrifices.

The Rebbe's ExplanationsEdit

Immediately after slaughtering the animal, its blood must be offered on the altar, and the atonement of the person depends on this, unlike bringing the limbs to the ramp, which the person's atonement does not depend on.

In order to bring the blood to the altar, one needs to carry the animal's blood from the place of slaughter where its blood was collected in a vessel, to the altar where it is offered.

In the tractate it is ruled that carrying not done by foot is not considered carrying.

The early authorities disagree whether even when for technical reasons there is no need for the act of carrying, such as when the slaughter was done close to the altar, if in this case as well there is a need for the act of carrying. According to Rambam, even in this case there is an obligation to specifically perform carrying. In contrast, according to Rashi's approach, when standing next to the altar it is certainly not necessary to carry by foot.

Additional ExplanationsEdit

  • 14b. Carrying not done by foot is not considered carrying. Likutei Sichos Vol. 32 p. 55 (p. 68)
  • 41a. In Shitah Mekubetzet note 1 - Redemption of Maaser Sheni with fruits outside Jerusalem if it is from the essence of the mitzvah, or a permission, or a one-time possibility. Likutei Sichos Vol. 38 p. 77 (p. 89)
  • 48b. And behold Maaser which can be redeemed. Likutei Sichos Vol. 34 p. 75 (p. 87)
  • 56b. And it is only eaten by those who were designated for it. Likutei Sichos Vol. 18 p. 106 (p. 115)
  • 62a. The place of the altar. Likutei Sichos p. 68 (p. 81)
  • 73a. Tosafot beginning with "And the lower ones." The black ones are not fit to be in doubt of admixture. Likutei Sichos Vol. 38 p. 61 (p. 72)
  • 102a. Priesthood ceased only from the descendants of Moshe. Likutei Sichos Vol. 18 p. 286 (p. 295)
  • 102a. Priesthood ceased only from the descendants of Moshe. Likutei Sichos Vol. 31 p. 29 (p. 42)
  • 116b. And to guide them is permitted. Farbrengens 5742 Vol. 5

External LinksEdit

  • Masechet Zevachim