Mesechtas Ma'aserot

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Midrash and Halacha
Shulchan Aruch

Mesechtas Ma'aserot from the Order of Zeraim, discusses the laws of separating tithes from tree fruits as commanded by the Torah and from produce of the land as instituted by the Rabbis. In times when the Holy Temple does not exist, the separation of terumot and ma'aserot is required by Rabbinic law.

In the Jerusalem Talmud on this tractate, the laws concerning a worker eating from the fruits of the employer during his work are discussed. The Rebbe presents three ways to understand this law: whether the worker's eating is a form of payment for his work and the benefit he provides to the employer, or if it is only connected to the actual labor without regard to the benefit he provides to the employer, or perhaps neither of these reasons apply, but rather it is simply because he has the status of a worker that grants him this right. Through this, the Rebbe explains the Gemara's inquiry in Bava Metzia about whether a worker eats from his own [right] or from Heaven's [gift].

Explanations by Chabad Rebbes[edit | edit source]

  • Admor the Tzemach Tzedek, "Masechet Ma'aserot," Tzemach Tzedek on the Shas, Brooklyn, 5755 (1995), pages 54-56, on the HebrewBooks website.