Mesechtas Orlah

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Mesechtas Orlah is the tenth Mesechtas in the Order of Zeraim. This Mesechtas has no Babylonian Talmud, only Mishnah, Tosefta, and Jerusalem Talmud.

The Mesechtas details the laws of Orlah - the first three years of fruit trees. Incidentally, the Mesechtas also deals with the laws of mixtures and nullification of prohibitions.

Chapters of the Mesechtas[edit | edit source]

  1. HaNotea (The Planter) - When the prohibition of Orlah applies and the definition of a 'fruit tree.'
  2. HaTerumah (The Heave Offering) - The laws of mixtures.
  3. Beged (Garment) - The prohibition of deriving benefit from Orlah, and in the final Mishnah, the applicability of Orlah, Kilayim HaKerem (mixed species in vineyards), and the prohibition of Chadash (new grain) in the Land of Israel and outside it.

In total, there are 35 Mishnayot.

External Links[edit | edit source]

  • Mishnah Mesechtas Orlah on the Daat website.
  • Mesechtas Orlah with Jerusalem Talmud
  • Admor Tzemach Tzedek, "Mesechtas Orlah," Tzemach Tzedek on the Shas, Brooklyn, 5755 (1995), pages 29-57, on the HebrewBooks website