Mesechtas Eduyot

In Masechet Eduyot there are eight chapters of Mishnayot, but there is no Gemara on it. The Masechet is referred to in the Babylonian Talmud as "Masechet Bechirata," according to the Rebbe's explanation, this means it is the chosen or select Masechet.

Part of a series on
Toras HaNigla
Meforshim: Rashi
Mishnah and Talmud
Seder Zeraim:

BerachosPeahDemaiKilayimShevi'itTerumotMa'aserotMa'aser SheniChallaOrlahBikkurim

Seder Moed:

ShabbosEruvinPesachimShekalimYomaSukkahBeitzahRosh HashanahTaanitMegillahMoed KatanChagigah

Seder Nashim:


Seder Nezikin:

Bava KamaBava MetziaBava BatraSanhedrinMakkotShevuotEduyotAvodah ZarahAvotHorayot

Seder Kodshim:


Seder Taharos:

KeilimOhalotNegaimParahTaharotMikvaotNiddahMachshirinZavimTevul YomYadayimUktzin

Midrash and Halacha
Shulchan Aruch

The Masechet concentrates all the testimonies that were heard from the Sages regarding rulings that were decided in the generation before them.

Additionally, the Masechet contains a collection of the leniencies of Beit Shammai and the stringencies of Beit Hillel.

The Rebbe's ExplanationsEdit

One of the disputes in the Masechet is the disagreement between Shammai and Hillel regarding a woman who saw niddah blood, whether "dayah sha'atah" (she is ritually impure only from that time onward) or whether she is impure "mipekidah lepekidah" (retroactively from the time she last checked herself). The Rebbe attributes this dispute to a general disagreement between Shammai, who emphasized the power of the collective, and Beit Hillel, who emphasized the power of the individual.

Additional ExplanationsEdit

  • Name of the Masechet "Bechirata," the chosen Masechet. Sichot Kodesh 5740 Volume 1, page 17 (page 60)
  • End of Chapter 1. Likkutei Sichot page 72 (page 83)
  • Chapter 8 Mishnah 7. That Eliyahu does not come to declare impure or pure, to distance or to bring near. Sichot Kodesh 5740 Volume 1, page 18 (page 61)
  • Chapter 8 Mishnah 7. That Eliyahu does not come to declare impure or pure, to distance or to bring near. Explanation of the dispute, how can there be a dispute about reality. Shaarei Geulah V'Yemot HaMashiach, page 40 (page 35)