Mesechtas Bikkurim

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Mesechtas Bikkurim, from the Order of Zeraim, contains four chapters of Mishnayot and deals with the laws of bringing the first fruits to the Holy Temple and reciting the designated passage.

The Rebbe's Explanations[edit | edit source]

The poor bring their first fruits in simple and inexpensive baskets, which are taken from them as part of bringing the offering. In contrast, the wealthy bring their first fruits in gold and silver vessels but keep the vessels for themselves. On this, the Gemara in Mesechtas Bava Kamma states: "This is what people say - poverty follows the poor."

The Rebbe investigates whether bringing the first fruits in a basket is part of the obligation to give the first fruits, part of the act of giving, or a separate obligation altogether. Through this analysis, he explains many difficulties that arise in the subject and in the words of the Rambam.