Mesechtas Demai

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Midrash and Halacha
Shulchan Aruch

Mesechtas Demai is the third tractate in Seder Zeraim. On this tractate there is no Babylonian Talmud and only the Jerusalem Talmud was written on it.

The tractate deals with the laws of produce that requires tithes that were bought from an am ha'aretz (common person), and it is not known whether they were tithed or not. This is the law of "demai," meaning, "da-mai" which in Aramaic means "what is this?" - what is its law regarding the separation of terumot and maaserot.

Chapters of the Tractate[edit | edit source]

Masechet Demai has seven chapters:

  1. Hakalim - Produce exempt from demai and leniencies in the law of demai.
  2. V'eilu Devarim - Those that are obligated in demai and who is considered a "chaver" and "ne'eman"
  3. Ma'achilin - Giving demai produce to another.
  4. Haloke'ach Peirot - Cases in which it is permitted to eat demai.
  5. Haloke'ach Min Hanechtom - Separating terumot and maaserot from produce from different sources.
  6. Hamekabel - Separating terumot and maaserot by partners.
  7. Hamazmin - Separating terumot and maaserot not in the normal manner.