Mesechtas Ma'aser Sheni

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Midrash and Halacha
Shulchan Aruch

Mesechtas Ma'aser Sheni deals with the laws of bringing the Second Tithe to Jerusalem, and eating it in holiness within the walls, or alternatively redeeming it and bringing the redemption money to Jerusalem, where one purchases food items with it.

Even if the Ma'aser Sheni becomes ritually impure, it can be exchanged for money and brought up to Jerusalem. Although the tractate discusses the question regarding that which was purchased with Ma'aser Sheni money that became impure, meaning if a person bought other fruits with money upon which he transferred the holiness of Ma'aser Sheni, even then he would be able to redeem the Ma'aser Sheni. In contrast to the Sages who permit this, the Tanna Rabbi Yehuda forbids it, and holds that "the secondary is more stringent than the primary," and the law of that which was purchased with Ma'aser Sheni money is more stringent than the Ma'aser Sheni itself. The Rebbe discusses this topic extensively in Likkutei Sichos.

Explanations of Chabad Rebbes[edit | edit source]

  • Admor the Tzemach Tzedek, "Masechet Ma'aser Sheni," Tzemach Tzedek on Shas, Brooklyn, 5755 (1995), pages 28-56, available on HebrewBooks website.