Mesechtas Shekalim

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Mesechtas Shekalim from Seder Moed is the tractate that follows Mesechtas Pesachim.

For this tractate, only the Jerusalem Talmud (Talmud Yerushalmi) exists. Nevertheless, the publishers of the Shas decided for some reason to print it among the tractates of the Babylonian Talmud (Talmud Bavli), and even those who learn Daf Yomi customarily study this tractate within the order of the Babylonian Talmud.

The Rebbe's teachings[edit | edit source]

The Rebbe explains the connection between this tractate and the one before it, noting that the beginning of Masechet Pesachim discusses primary and secondary matters, as the mitzvah of searching for chametz serves as a means to fulfill the prohibition of "bal yeira'eh" (not seeing chametz). At the end of the tractate, it discusses sacrifices that are secondary to the Pesach offerings. Similarly, Masechet Shekalim discusses the shekalim (half-shekel coins), which are secondary to the matter of sacrifices, serving as a means to an end.

Regarding why this tractate precedes the tractates about festivals, the Tosafot Yom Tov explains that the passage about shekalim appears in Parshat Ki Tisa, which comes before Parshat Emor where the festivals are mentioned. Based on this explanation, the Rebbe asks why Masechet Pesachim precedes Masechet Shekalim. Some explain that since the purpose of shekalim is for the sacrifices, their order precedes the order of other tractates. Even according to this explanation, the Rebbe questions why Masechet Shekalim wasn't placed before Masechet Pesachim, since the communal sacrifices of Pesach were also purchased with the half-shekel.

According to the Rebbe's explanation, this question is also resolved, because there is no connection between the beginning of Masechet Shekalim and Masechet Eruvin. Therefore, it was necessary for this tractate to follow Masechet Pesachim, as the themes at its beginning and end are similar—all dealing with primary and secondary matters.