Reb Boruch Sholom Schneerson

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Rabbi Baruch Shalom Schneerson
The Tziyon of Reb Baruch Shalom
The Tziyon of Reb Baruch Shalom
Born 22 Cheshvan 5566
Passing 16 Shevat 5629
Father The Tzemach Tzedek
Part of a series on
Beis HaRav
Family of the Alter Rebbe
Parents: Rabbi Baruch & Rebbetzin RivkaSiblings: Rabbi Yehuda LeibWife: Rebbetzin SternaChildren: Rabbi Dovber (the Mitteler Rebbe)Rabbi Chaim AvrahamRabbi MosheRebbetzin FreidaRebbetzin Devorah Leah
Family of the Mitteler Rebbe
Parents: The Alter Rebbe & Rebbetzin SternaChildren: Rabbi BaruchRebbetzin Esther MiriamRebbetzin BeilaRebbetzin Menucha RochelRebbetzin SarahChildren-in-law: Rabbi Yaakov KuliRabbi Menachem Mendel (the Tzemach Tzedek)
Family of the Tzemach Tzedek
Children: Rabbi Baruch ShalomRabbi Yehuda Leib of KopustRabbi Chaim Shneur Zalman of LiadiRabbi Yisroel Noach of NiezhinRabbi Yosef Yitzchak of AvrutchReb YaakovRabbi Shmuel (The Rebbe Maharash)Rebbetzin Rada FreidaRebbetzin Devorah Leah
Family of the Rebbe Maharash
Children: Reb Shneur Zalman Aharon (the Raza)Rabbi Shalom Dovber (the Rebbe Rashab)Reb Menachem MendelAvraham SenderChaya Mushka
Family of the Rebbe Rashab
Wife: Rebbetzin Shterna SarahChild: Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak (the Rebbe Rayatz)
Family of the Rebbe Rayatz
Wife: Rebbetzin Nechama DinaChildren: Rebbetzin SheinaChana GuraryRebbetzin Chaya MushkaChildren-in-law: Reb Shemaryahu GuraryRabbi Menachem Mendel (the Rebbe)
Family of the Rebbe
Parents: Rabbi Levi Yitzchak & Rebbetzin ChanaWife: Rebbetzin Chaya MushkaSiblings: DovBer • Aryeh Leib

Rabbi Baruch Shalom Schneerson (the RaBaSH) (22nd of Cheshvan 5566 - 16th of Shevat 5629) was the possibly eldest son of the Tzemach Tzedek. He was one of the sons who did not establish a separate court after the passing of the Tzemach Tzedek.

Life History[edit | edit source]

Born on 22nd of Cheshvan 5566. He was named after Rabbi Baruch (father of the Alter Rebbe) and Rabbi Shalom Shachna, father of the Tzemach Tzedek.

The RaBaSH was missing fingers on his right hand. His father the Tzemach Tzedek discussed in his sefer which hand he should lay tefillin on - the hand he writes with - left, or the stronger hand - right.

The Alter Rebbe greatly cherished the RaBaSH, and at age six taught him dikduk, at age seven taught him the trop (cantillation) of Tanach.

From the day the Alter Rebbe traveled during Napoleon's war from Liadi until his passing on 24th of Teves 5573, the RaBaSH was with him. He sat together with him in the carriage and slept in his room. The RaBaSH related that he merited to be in the Alter Rebbe's presence for one hundred forty-two days and nights.

Later he was close to the Mitteler Rebbe and the Tzemach Tzedek. He traveled throughout Russia on his father's shlichus; he had many admirers, and would regularly say maamarei Chassidus.

After the passing of the Tzemach Tzedek in 5626 he remained - unlike his other brothers - in Lubavitch and became a chassid of his youngest brother - the Rebbe Maharash.

On 16th of Shevat 5629 he passed away after a brief illness, and his resting place is in the Ohel of the Tzemach Tzedek and Rebbe Maharash in Lubavitch.

His Family[edit | edit source]

His children in order of birth:

  • Rebbetzin Beila. Born in 5592
  • Rabbi Levi Yitzchak. Born in 5594.
  • Rebbetzin Zlateh. Born approximately in 5595. Married, and when pregnant, passed away on 6th of Kislev 5612.
  • Rebbetzin Golda. Her husband was Rabbi Shneur Schneerson - son-in-law of the Tzemach Tzedek in his first marriage.
  • Rabbi Mordechai. Born in 5598.
  • Rebbetzin Leah Sarah. Born in 5599.
  • Rabbi Yehuda Leib of Kremenchug. Born in 5603.
  • Rebbetzin Tzippa Rachel.
  • Rebbetzin Rivka (wife of Rabbi Meshulam (Shillem) Reich. Passed away approximately in 5669. Their son: Rabbi Chaim Moshe DovBer (Berel)).

The Rebbe's Connection to Him[edit | edit source]

  • His son: Rabbi Levi Yitzchak
  • His grandson: Rabbi Baruch Shneur
  • His great-grandson: Rabbi Levi Yitzchak (the Rebbe's father)
  • His great-great-grandson: The Rebbe.