Reb Shneur Zalman Aharon Schneerson - The Raza

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Beis HaRav
Family of the Alter Rebbe
Parents: Rabbi Baruch & Rebbetzin RivkaSiblings: Rabbi Yehuda LeibWife: Rebbetzin SternaChildren: Rabbi Dovber (the Mitteler Rebbe)Rabbi Chaim AvrahamRabbi MosheRebbetzin FreidaRebbetzin Devorah Leah
Family of the Mitteler Rebbe
Parents: The Alter Rebbe & Rebbetzin SternaChildren: Rabbi BaruchRebbetzin Esther MiriamRebbetzin BeilaRebbetzin Menucha RochelRebbetzin SarahChildren-in-law: Rabbi Yaakov KuliRabbi Menachem Mendel (the Tzemach Tzedek)
Family of the Tzemach Tzedek
Children: Rabbi Baruch ShalomRabbi Yehuda Leib of KopustRabbi Chaim Shneur Zalman of LiadiRabbi Yisroel Noach of NiezhinRabbi Yosef Yitzchak of AvrutchReb YaakovRabbi Shmuel (The Rebbe Maharash)Rebbetzin Rada FreidaRebbetzin Devorah Leah
Family of the Rebbe Maharash
Children: Reb Shneur Zalman Aharon (the Raza)Rabbi Shalom Dovber (the Rebbe Rashab)Reb Menachem MendelAvraham SenderChaya Mushka
Family of the Rebbe Rashab
Wife: Rebbetzin Shterna SarahChild: Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak (the Rebbe Rayatz)
Family of the Rebbe Rayatz
Wife: Rebbetzin Nechama DinaChildren: Rebbetzin SheinaChana GuraryRebbetzin Chaya MushkaChildren-in-law: Reb Shemaryahu GuraryRabbi Menachem Mendel (the Rebbe)
Family of the Rebbe
Parents: Rabbi Levi Yitzchak & Rebbetzin ChanaWife: Rebbetzin Chaya MushkaSiblings: DovBer • Aryeh Leib

Reb Shneour Zalman Aharon Schneerson known as The Raza (July 19, 1858 - October 28, 1908) was the eldest son of the Rebbe Maharash, and the older brother of the Rebbe Rashab. He was known for his exceptional talents and wrote many Torah insights throughout his life, but burned them before his passing and instructed that the ashes be buried in his grave.

Life History[edit | edit source]

Born on July 19, 1858 to his father the Rebbe Maharash and his mother Rebbetzin Rivka. He was named after the Alter Rebbe and after his maternal grandfather, Reb Aharon Alexandrov of Shklov.

The Tzemach Tzedek had a custom of giving his grandchildren acronyms during their bris. He called Reb Shneour Zalman Aharon "Raza," and this is what the chassidim called him.

When he was three years old, the Tzemach Tzedek suggested to his son Reb Yisroel Noach to take the Raza as a son-in-law for his daughter. Reb Yisroel Noach asked his father, "Maybe this child won't become a scholar?" His father replied: "A scholar like you he'll certainly be, and possibly he'll know how to learn more than you!"

In his childhood, he played often with his younger brother, the Rebbe Rashab, and in Chabad tradition there are many chassidic stories about this period. The Rebbe would tell these stories and derive lessons in avodas Hashem from them. The Raza excelled in wonderful talents and elevated middos. His father the Rebbe Maharash said about him: "He has a strong mind, he can think two thoughts simultaneously."

At one farbrengen the Rebbe Rayatz said about his uncle: "My uncle the Raza, who had good middos by nature, had a strong heart. Even when he suffered from severe pain - and he suffered much in his lifetime - there was always a smile on his face. He never shed a tear over his suffering. But when he heard that someone was suffering, the smile would fade from his face and tears would appear in his eyes, and he would do everything to help the sufferer."

Marriage[edit | edit source]

In Cheshvan 1873, his wedding to his cousin, Sterna, daughter of Reb Yisroel Noach Schneerson, took place. The wedding feast was held in the small zal in Lubavitch.

After his father's passing, the Raza accepted the nesius jointly with the Rebbe Rashab, but withdrew after a short period. He engaged in business and performed many activities for klal Yisroel.

The Rebbe Rashab, who was his younger brother, did not want to formally accept the nesius while his older brother lived in Lubavitch, and for eleven years refrained from acting as Rebbe. Only in 1894 when he moved to Vitebsk did the Rebbe Rashab's nesius begin officially.

Passing[edit | edit source]

In the summer months of 1908 he fell ill, and after the holidays of Tishrei 1909 his illness worsened, and on Thursday, October 28, 1908, he passed away at age fifty-one.

He is buried in Vitebsk.

Family[edit | edit source]

  • His daughter, Mrs. Dina Schneerson
  • His daughter, Mrs. Sara Wolfson

Writings[edit | edit source]

Although he acted to destroy his writings containing his Torah insights, we still have several chassidic discourses that he delivered which were written down by listeners. Among them is a maamar he delivered on Shabbos Parshas Bechukosai 1883, shortly after his father's passing.

The Raza had a maamar he said on "Vayisharna Haporos". In 1952 the Rebbe said to publish this maamar, and related that the Rebbe Rayatz had told him to do so.