Rabbi Yisroel Noach of Niezhin
Born in 1815 to the Tzemach Tzedek and Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka in Lubavitch. He was the fourth son of the Tzemach Tzedek and was named after the Baal Shem Tov and his grandfather, Rabbi Noach Altshuler.
Marriages and Family[edit | edit source]
First married his cousin Rebbetzin Freida, granddaughter of the Mitteler Rebbe and daughter of Rabbi Yekusiel Zalman Walles. After her early passing, he married Rebbetzin Zlata. He apparently then married Rebbetzin Nechama Dina, sister of Rabbi Akiva Ratner of Minsk. In his fourth marriage, he wed another granddaughter of his grandfather, Rebbetzin Chana Chieke (Chisha), daughter of his uncle Rabbi Menachem Nachum, son of the Mitteler Rebbe.
Torah Scholarship[edit | edit source]
During his years with his father, he primarily focused on nigleh (revealed Torah), becoming renowned for his expertise in Shas and poskim. Due to his father's busy schedule, he was entrusted with responding to halachic questions and was appointed head of the yeshiva established in Lubavitch. His responses were published in Chabad periodicals. His avodah (divine service) was characterized by merirus (bitterness).
Leadership[edit | edit source]
After the Tzemach Tzedek's passing, he remained in Lubavitch for two years. In 1868, he was appointed as rabbi of Nizhyn, his father-in-law's residence and burial place of his grandfather the Mitteler Rebbe. There he served as Rebbe to some Chabad chassidim who split among the Tzemach Tzedek's sons, forming "Chabad-Nizhyn."
Together with his brother-in-law Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneersohn, he headed the Nizhyn yeshiva for about fifty years, producing notable rabbis who served throughout Russia, like Rabbi Yehuda Leib Tzirelson of Kishinev.
Children[edit | edit source]
He had many children from multiple marriages. His known children include:
From first marriage with Rebbetzin Freida:
- Rabbi Shneur Dober (born 1834)
- Perla Devorah (born 1836)
From second marriage with Rebbetzin Zlata:
- Rebbetzin Esther Leiba
From third marriage with Rebbetzin Nechama Dina:
- Rebbetzin Sterna (born circa 1858)
- Sheina Rivka Sheinberg (born circa 1859)
He passed away on 17 Nissan 1883 and was buried in Nizhyn in the ohel of his grandfather, the Mitteler Rebbe. He was the last surviving son of the Tzemach Tzedek.