Rabbi Yehuda Leib of Kopust
Reb Yehuda Leib Schneerson known as the Maharil of Kopust, 1808-3 Cheshvan 1867) was the second son of the Tzemach Tzedek and founder of the Kopust dynasty.
Early Years[edit | edit source]
Born in Lyadi in 1808 (or according to another opinion in 1811) to his father the Tzemach Tzedek and mother Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka as their second son. Named after Reb Yehuda Leib.
The Alter Rebbe was his sandek at the bris. During the bris, the Maharil cried extensively. The Alter Rebbe commented that through crying the mind becomes refined and blessing is drawn from the level of ohr.
During the Alter Rebbe's escape from Napoleon with his family, the Alter Rebbe noticed the Maharil's absence (who was then an infant) and ordered to turn back to search for him. When they returned, they found him crying by the roadside, and the Alter Rebbe gathered him and returned him to the carriage.
On 14 Cheshvan 1825, he married the daughter of the chossid Reb Shlomo Freides of Shklov, a prominent Chabad chossid. In his second marriage, he married Sarah.
With His Grandfather the Mitteler Rebbe[edit | edit source]
In his youth, he became very attached to his grandfather, the Mitteler Rebbe, and learned from him. His grandfather cherished him greatly and would wait for him to say Chassidic discourses. He called him "mein stender" (my shtender), as he would lean on him while saying Chassidus. The Maharil's Chassidus style followed his grandfather's approach.
His connection to his grandfather was so strong that even after his passing, he continued his connection and refused to connect to his father, the Tzemach Tzedek.
In 1843, he joined his father at the Rabbinical Assembly. The Maharil was impressed by his father's victory at the assembly and began connecting with him. After returning from the assembly, the Tzemach Tzedek told his wife: "Prepare a meal, in Petersburg I acquired a man, brought a new chossid, our son Reb Yehuda Leib became my chossid."
With His Father the Tzemach Tzedek[edit | edit source]
Together with his brother Reb Chaim Shneur Zalman Schneerson, he helped his father the Tzemach Tzedek print the Likkutei Torah. It is told that the Maharil asked his father about the end-time of 1848, and he replied that in this year the light of Moshiach began being revealed through the printing of Likkutei Torah.
Under his father's instruction, he served as a chozzer and guided chassidim in avodas Hashem.
Establishment of Kopust Chassidus[edit | edit source]
On 3 Elul 1866, he left Lubavitch, and his chassidim settled him in Kopust, where he led as Rebbe. In his letter to the Maharash, he writes "I was forced to lead." Chassidic stories tell that he shouted "murderers!" at the chassidim who transported him to Kopust. The Maharil was the oldest son who agreed to serve as Rebbe, and had known the Alter Rebbe, so most chassidim flocked to him. However, a beis din established to determine the Tzemach Tzedek's successor ruled that the Maharash should fill his father's position.
On Simchas Torah 1867, he fell ill and passed away on 3 Cheshvan that year. He was buried in Kopust. The Maharash tried to unite the two courts, but his efforts were unsuccessful, and the Maharil's position was filled by his son, Reb Shlomo Zalman Schneerson (grandson of the Tzemach Tzedek), author of Magen Avos.
His Prayer[edit | edit source]
His prayer style was with great dveikus and outpouring of the soul at great length. When young men told him they couldn't pray at such length, he promised each time not to extend, but when he began praying he forgot the condition.
Once after promising not to extend, he said that to not forget the condition, they should tie him to the amud. From his great dveikus he pulled the amud with him to the western door, and when he reached chazaras hashatz, the young men took the amud toward the eastern wall, and Reb Yehuda Leib was drawn after the amud.
Family[edit | edit source]
- His son Reb Shlomo Shneur Zalman Schneerson, author of Magen Avos
- His son Reb Shalom DovBer Schneerson of Rechitsa, who passed around Tishrei 1910, or according to another version - 16 Tishrei 1909
- His son from his second marriage Reb Shmarya Noach Schneerson of Bobruisk
- His daughter Rachel, wife of Reb Menachem Manish Monoszohn
- His daughter Rivka - passed on erev Shavuos 1852 in her youth
Further Reading[edit | edit source]
"Gibor K'Ari: Admur Rabbi Yehuda Leib Schneerson of Kopust", Heichal HaBaal Shem Tov, Issue 16, pp. 151-180.