Rabbi Chaim Shalom DovBer Lipsker
Rabbi Chaim Shalom DovBer Lipsker (known as Berel Lipsker; born 1942) is a mashpia (spiritual mentor) at Yeshivas Chovevei Torah in Crown Heights, a member of Vaad L'Hafatzas Sichos and Otzar HaChassidim editorial board, and secretary of the Chevra Kadisha of Agudas Chassidei Chabad in the United States.
Life History[edit | edit source]
Rabbi Lipsker was born in Kutaisi, Georgia on the 18th of Adar 1942, to his father Rabbi Yaakov Lipsker and his mother Mrs. Liuba Alta Teibl Lipsker.
In early 1962, he was among the student shluchim who came to study at Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in Lod, where he was influenced by Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Keselman. For Rosh Hashana 1963, he returned to New York, and had the merit to bring with him a shtender (prayer stand) - a gift from the carpentry students at the trade school in Kfar Chabad specifically for the Rebbe (together with Rabbi Dov Teichman).
In 1967, he married his wife Mrs. Chana, daughter of Rabbi Yaakov Yehuda Majeski.
He joined the team of chozrim (those who would transcribe the Rebbe's talks), and was involved for a period in transcribing the sichos. Starting in 1965, he assisted Rabbi Yoel Kahan in editing Sefer Ha'Arachim Chabad, gathering sources for entries, developing them, distinguishing between them and writing them down. Additionally, as part of his work with Vaad L'Hafatzas Sichos, he was involved in editing various seforim, such as the Tanya Mahadura Kama.
Rabbi Lipsker served for a period as secretary to Rabbi Zalman Shimon Dvorkin and Vaad Rabbanei Lubavitch. At the farbrengen of 13 Tammuz 1982, when the Rebbe wanted to give mashke to Rabbi Dvorkin who was not present, the Rebbe gave it to Rabbi Lipsker as his representative.
Rabbi Lipsker is a member of the World Committee for Bringing Moshiach.
Even after Gimmel Tammuz, Rabbi Lipsker continues to publicize that the Rebbe is alive and well and the holy proclamation of Yechi Adoneinu.
Today, Rabbi Lipsker assists various organizations involved in publishing the Rebbe's sichos with content editing. Among others, for the Yechi HaMelech publication, the renewed publication of Sichos Kodesh 5751 and more.
Rabbi Lipsker currently serves as secretary of the Crown Heights Chevra Kadisha, and until 2023 served as mashpia at Yeshivas Chovevei Torah.
Books He Edited[edit | edit source]
- Tanya Mahadura Kama - Co-editor
- Sefer Ha'Arachim - Editor (until volume 4) together with Rabbi Yoel Kahan
- Toras Shmuel Sefer HaMaamarim 5635 Part 1
- Igros Kodesh - Proofreader for several volumes
- Sichos Kodesh Geulah U'Moshiach - Editorial board member
His Family[edit | edit source]
- His son, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Lipsker - Mashpia at Yeshiva Ketana "Mesivta Melbourne - of Yeshivas Ohel Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch" Melbourne Australia
- His son-in-law, Rabbi Yerachmiel Wolovick, Los Angeles, California
- His son-in-law, Rabbi Moshe Shmukler, Crown Heights - Member of Crown Heights Chevra Kadisha and manager of Bnos Menachem event hall in the 'neighborhood'
- His son-in-law, Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun - Rabbi and member of the Beis Din Tzedek in Crown Heights
- His son, Rabbi Yehuda Lipsker - Mashpia for Shiur Beis and English speakers division at Yeshivas Chassidei Chabad Lubavitch - Tzfat
- His son, Rabbi Yisroel Noach Lipsker - Mashpia at Yeshivas Mesivta Ohel Torah
- His son-in-law, Rabbi Shneur Zalman Silberstein - The Rebbe's shliach in Montreal
- His son-in-law, Rabbi Shneur Zalman Sandhaus - Mashgiach at Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Queens
- His son-in-law, Rabbi Avremi Gourary