A sicha is a commonly used term in Chabad Chassidus and other circles referring to a discourse given by a Rav or Rebbe on Torah matters to his students. A sicha typically includes Torah interpretation, mussar, inspiration and strengthening in avodas Hashem.
Additionally, the sichos and content spoken by the Chabad Rebbeim involve drawing down divine influence appropriate for that specific time period, therefore their words were precisely aimed for the time they were delivered.
Sichos in Chassidus Chabad[edit | edit source]
In the early generations of Chabad Chassidus, there were no regular sichos besides maamarim (Chassidic discourses). Occasionally the Rebbe would say a "vort" (short teaching) or words of inspiration. In later years, especially from the nesius of the Rebbe Rashab onwards, the Rebbeim began delivering sichos to chassidim during farbrengens. The Rebbe Rashab's sichos were mainly given during the three set farbrengen days of Simchas Torah, Yud Tes Kislev and Purim, and from 1906 also on Acharon Shel Pesach (at the Seudas Moshiach). Additionally, there are records of sichos he gave not to the entire crowd of chassidim but rather at his home to family members and close chassidim.
The style of the sichos was as a response and discussion between the chassidim and the Rebbe, where typically during the farbrengen the Rebbe would be asked questions by chassidim which he would answer with explanations in the sicha.
The Frierdiker Rebbe also farbrenged with chassidim and would deliver sichos during them. Besides the days his father would farbreng, he added Yud Beis Tammuz from 1928 and Chai Elul from 1943, as well as various other occasions. His sichos style was also like his father's, responding to questions and comments from chassidim.
For many years the content of sichos was not recorded, and even those that were recorded were not printed. The first sichos to be printed were those of the Frierdiker Rebbe from his own handwriting in the Likkutei Dibburim series. In 1947 the Sefer HaSichos - Toras Shalom of the Rebbe Rashab was first published by the Rebbe, compiled from chassidim's notes including stories alongside deep explanations in Chassidus and Kabbalah. These sichos are characterized and known for their 'stormy' atmosphere and style.
Years later, all the Frierdiker Rebbe's sichos including chassidim's transcripts were collected into the complete series Sefer HaSichos (Frierdiker Rebbe).
The sichos of the Tzemach Tzedek and Rebbe Maharash were collected in their seforim of sichos, compiled from the Frierdiker Rebbe's teachings and printed in 1993.
The Difference Between a Sicha and Maamar[edit | edit source]
With the Chabad Rebbeim there is a distinction between the style of sichos and maamarim. Sometimes concepts explained in maamarim using complex language were explained by the Rebbe in simpler language in sichos, sometimes with special focus in the sichos on details and struggles in avodas Hashem. The Rebbe in his sichos deals extensively with explanations in halacha, aggada and divrei Chazal, unlike his maamarim which are dedicated solely to Chassidus. The sichos also contain references to current events and practical instructions for conduct during contemporary situations.
The Seventh Generation[edit | edit source]
Style of Delivering Sichos[edit | edit source]
The Rebbe's sichos were delivered more frequently than his predecessors and in broader forums, with a "regal" style where questions were not permitted during the sichos. The Rebbe primarily delivered sichos during farbrengens, which were the central connection between the Rebbe and his chassidim. In these sichos, the Rebbe would guide his unique approach on every topic, address current issues, announce "mivtzoyim" or cry out about "shleimus ha'aretz," and more.
The regular sichos during farbrengens typically began with a Torah quote related to the date or parsha (in addition to regular sichos on the parsha, after the passing of his mother, Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson, on 6 Tishrei 1964, the Rebbe began to farbreng every Shabbos and dedicate a special sicha to explaining the first and last Rashi of the parsha). This would be followed by questions and wonderments arising from the text. The questions included logical difficulties and precise language analysis of the quote. Sometimes, at this stage, the Rebbe would add additional quotes and raise questions about them as well (ultimately explaining how the matters align or what distinguishes them).
As an introduction to the explanation, the Rebbe would preface the fundamental issue that the quote came to resolve, and accordingly explain how the matters are indeed precise and fully resolve the issue. Sometimes, following this, the content would be explained according to pnimiyus ha'inyanim (according to Chassidus) and conclusions would be drawn regarding avodas Hashem.
The sichos would be immediately reviewed after the farbrengen with the Rebbe by the team of "chozrim" led by Reb Yoel Kahan - the head chozer. Subsequently, they would be written by "manichim," whose role was to record a hanacha of the sicha after its delivery, and then printed in the series of Sichos Kodesh (in Yiddish). Starting in 1982, the publication of the Rebbe's sichos began in the Hisvaaduyos series (translated and adapted to Hebrew). From 2016, the Rebbe's unedited sichos began being printed in the Divrei Moshiach series. Some topics discussed during farbrengens would be compiled, edited, and then reviewed by the Rebbe and printed in the Likkutei Sichos series. From 1986 onwards, the Rebbe would edit the central content of each farbrengen, which were initially printed in additions to Likkutei Sichos and later published in the Sefer HaSichos series.
Location of Delivering Sichos[edit | edit source]
In addition to regular sichos delivered at farbrengens, there were other occasions when the Rebbe delivered sichos: after prayers, at yechidus klalis, children's gatherings (rally or parade with the Rebbe), Beis Rivkah graduation assemblies, Camp Emunah counselor meetings, sichos to women, sichos to children, sichos to wealthy supporters, sometimes before dollar distribution, and once even a special sicha to outstanding IDF soldiers, and on one rare occasion at the entrance of 770 on the building's facade, on 16 Sivan 1975.
From 1988, the Rebbe began a new custom in delivering sichos - when he stopped holding weekday farbrengens and instead suddenly began delivering sichos at the shtender, usually (before or) after prayers, and sometimes during dollar distributions or other distributions, typically standing on the prayer platform next to a special shtender for this purpose, standing at the end of the platform close to the crowd, facing the crowd.
See Also[edit | edit source]
Types of Sichos:[edit | edit source]
- Maamar (Chassidic Discourse)
- Mugah (Edited)
- Bilti Mugah (Unedited)
- Hanacha (Transcription)
- Chozer (Review/Repetition)
- Farbrengen/Hitvaadut with the Rebbe
Institutes for Editing Sichos[edit | edit source]
- Vaad L'Hafatzas Sichos (Committee for Spreading the Talks)
- Vaad Hanachos HaTemimim (Committee of Yeshiva Students' Transcriptions)
- Vaad Hanachos B'Lashon HaKodesh (Committee for Hebrew Transcriptions)
- Machon L'Hafatzas Toraso Shel Moshiach (Institute for Spreading the Torah of Moshiach)
Books Containing the Sichos:[edit | edit source]
- Likkutei Sichos
- Sefer HaSichos Toras Shalom
- Sefer HaSichos - Admur Shlita
- Divrei Moshiach
- Toras Menachem - Hitvaaduyos