Reb Moshe Aryeh Leib Ginzburg
Reb Moshe Ginzburg was the son of the wealthy Reb Avrohom Zalman Ginzburg from Vitebsk.
He married Devorah Leah Ginzburg, the eldest daughter of the Maharash, on Friday, 8 Sivan 1872.
The Maharash was particular that his sons (from their Bar Mitzvah) and son-in-law should be called by their name acronyms, and he himself would say: "Go to RaZA, to RaMaL" etc.
The Maharash personally signed the wedding invitations and sent them to his prominent chassidim and some of his friends.
The wedding took place in Lubavitch, during which and during the Sheva Brochos, the Maharash delivered six Chassidic discourses.
At the wedding, the Rebbe Rashab was eleven years old and shared his memories of the wedding with his son, the Rayatz.
After their marriage, they settled in Vitebsk where they lived their entire lives.
On 15 Tishrei 1935, Reb Moshe Aryeh passed away and was laid to rest the next day, 16 Tishrei, in Malchovka.
Family[edit | edit source]
- His son, Dov Ber Ginzburg
- His son, Aharon Yosef Ginzburg
- His son, Shmuel Ginzburg
- His daughter, Mussia Grobitz
- His daughter, Sheine Meirovitz
- His daughter, Rochel
- His daughter, Chasia