Nye Zhuritze Chloptzi

The nigun Nye Zhuritze Chloptzi (Yiddish: ניע זשוריצי כלופצ'י) is a passionate Chassidic melody composed by members of the choir of Chassidim of the Mitteler Rebbe. This nigun expresses the tremendous hiskashrus (connection) of the Chassidim to their Rebbe and was sung during their walks and journeys to the Rebbe in Lubavitch.

Part of a series on
Music in Chabad
Daled BavosBnei HeichalaKa'ayal Ta'arogNye Zhuritze ChloptziAd MosaiHaRebbe Shlita
NichoachGaguim (2014-present)
Lyrics in UkrainianEdit

Nye zhuritzi chloptzi, Shto is nami budyet, Mi payedem do kartchanke, Tam i vodka budyet.

English TranslationEdit

Do not worry young men, What will be with us, We will reach the inn, And there will be mashke.

Deeper Meaning of the NigunEdit

The Rebbe Rashab once remarked about this nigun: "In this nigun is reflected the spiritual elevation of the Chassidim of the Mitteler Rebbe." The Rebbe explained that the nigun expresses the longing and hope of Chassidim to come to their Rebbe and hear divrei Chassidus. Therefore, even while on the difficult journey, despite the hardships of travel, they do not worry and remain hopeful and confident that they will soon reach the Rebbe, and there will be "mashke" - to quench their true thirst for dvar Hashem, divrei Chassidus.

This also relates to our avodah in golus - despite the darkness of exile, there is no place for worry since we have Hashem's promise that we will certainly reach the goal and purpose of all our avodah in the true and complete geulah. Then there will be the complete revelation of the source of mayim chaim, the true Ein Sof, and this gives us the strength to do our avodah in golus with simcha and goodness of heart.

This nigun is number 111 in Sefer HaNigunim.

The Chassidim would sometimes sing "Nye Zhuritzi Chloptzi" after the well-known "Daled Bavos" of the Alter Rebbe, which Chabad Chassidim are careful to sing with great precision and only on special occasions and times of simcha.

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