Music in Chabad

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Music in Chabad
Daled BavosBnei HeichalaKa'ayal Ta'arogNye Zhuritze ChloptziAd MosaiHaRebbe Shlita
NichoachGaguim (2014-present)

Music in Chabad incorporates a history of melodies and songs dating back to the founding of Chabad Chassidus. Music is also regarded as a significant concept in Chassidus.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The music of Chabad includes the following categories:

  • Niggunim – wordless melodies
  • Niggunim with words
  • Songs of the Chasidim (arranged in various styles)

Composers[edit | edit source]


Composers include the Rebbes of Chabad, Chabad Chasidim, and in some cases, non-Jews (where a non-Jewish has been transformed into a Niggun).

Primary Chabad songs[edit | edit source]

Niggun Daled Bavos

The primary songs in Chabad are those from the Chasidic founders and the Seven Rebbes.

Additional songs sung before the Rebbe include Niggun Ad Mosai.

Compilations[edit | edit source]

The most notable compilation of Chabad music is the Nichoach collection. Other collections include the Gaguim series (2014-present)

Chabad singers[edit | edit source]

Notable Chabad singers include Avraham Fried (born Avraham Shabsi Hakohen Friedman) who has been active since 1981 with the release of his first album. He has since released over 30 albums and many singles.