Nichoach - Chabad Chassidic Niggunim Organization

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Nichoach stands for "Niggunei Chabad Chassidim" or "Niggunei Yisroel Chassidei Chabad." This was a Chabad niggunim organization established by the Frierdiker Rebbe. The organization was headed by Rav Shmuel Zalmanov, who was a wonderful musician blessed with musical talent.

In this role, he produced the Sefer HaNiggunim (Book of Niggunim) as well as a series of recordings containing all Chabad niggunim. His work at NICH"CH was conducted according to numerous directives he received from the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe.

Purpose of the Organization[edit | edit source]

Initially, Rav Shmuel focused on preserving the niggunim and systematically documenting them. On this matter, he wrote in the introduction to Sefer HaNiggunim:

"Today, when due to recent events Chabad chassidim are scattered throughout the world, there is an urgent need to collect anew all those Chabad niggunim that are still remembered and store them together in musical notation in a book, so that they can be used at any appropriate time and place and remain as a memorial in the chronicles of Chabad chassidus.

For this purpose - following the directive of the Rebbe of Lubavitch, the Frierdiker Rebbe - the Chabad Niggunim Society named 'NICH"CH' was established, with the goal of collecting all known Chabad niggunim, styling them, correcting their errors, restoring their original character in which they were first created, and recording them in musical notation in a special book."

Committee Members[edit | edit source]

Following the Frierdiker Rebbe's instructions, Rav Shmuel selected several distinguished chassidim who had studied in the yeshiva in Lubavitch to serve as the organization's review committee. Among the committee members were: Rav Moshe DovBer Rivkin, Rav DovBer Chaskind, Rav Yochanan Gordon, Rav Shlomo Aharon Kazarnovsky, Chazan Rav Shmuel Kantoroff, and Rav Shimon Leib Greenberg. From the younger generation of Temimim, the following were chosen: Rav Binyamin Levitan, Rav Yitzchok Dov Ushpal, Rav Menachem Mendel Baumgarten, and Rav Mendel Tenenbaum.

Production of Records[edit | edit source]

During the publication of the second volume, the Rebbe encouraged the production of phonograph records of Chabad niggunim. This represented another phase in the work of preserving the niggunim.

The Rebbe was not satisfied with routine work and saw supreme importance in the niggunim being played with great precision. This was why the Rebbe agreed to have Rav Shmuel enter yechidus and play the niggunim for him before they were released.

Beginning in 5720 (1960), over approximately ten years, he produced seven records that were received with admiration and appreciation not only among Chabad chassidim but throughout the chassidic world.

Subsequently, in 5732 (1972), the Vaad 71 Institutions released nine additional records.

On 21 Adar 5737 (1977), the Rebbe called Chazan Rav Moshe Teleshevsky, who was involved in producing the new NICH"CH record, and gave him 70 dollar bills and 70 copies of Kuntres Ahavas Yisroel to distribute to everyone who assisted in producing the record.

See Also[edit | edit source]

  • Portal of Chabad Niggunim
  • Sefer HaNiggunim - Book of musical notation for Chabad niggunim
  • Choir of the Mitteler Rebbe's Chassidim

Further Reading[edit | edit source]

  • "Nichoach LaHashem", "Techayeinu" Issue 9 - 11 Nissan 5778 (2018)