Kovetz Chof Ches Sivan - Yoivel Shanah

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Kovetz Chof Ches Sivan - Jubilee Years is a historical compilation that chronicles the events surrounding the rescue of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin, alongside a collection of sichos (talks) delivered by the Rebbe relating to this event and the transfer of Chabad Chassidus headquarters to the lower hemisphere. This compilation is among the kuntreisim (booklets) distributed by the Rebbe throughout the years.

Background[edit | edit source]

On Chof Ches Sivan 5701 (1941), the Rebbe and Rebbetzin arrived in the United States aboard the ship Serpa Pinta. The Frierdiker Rebbe (Previous Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak) sent a delegation of chassidim to the port to welcome them.

Approaching Chof Ches Sivan 5751 (1991), marking the fiftieth anniversary of the Rebbe's arrival in the USA, several temimim (yeshiva students) initiated the publication of a special kuntres (booklet) to commemorate the event, containing sichos and additional material related to it. The Rebbe welcomed this initiative, and the kuntres underwent his personal editing.

On Monday, Chof Ches Sivan 5751 (1991), the Rebbe visited the Ohel (the Previous Rebbe's resting place) and returned to 770 only toward evening. Shortly afterward, the Rebbe came down for Mincha, and after Mincha, one of the anash (community members) - Rabbi Shneur Zalman Gurary - conveyed the chassidim's blessing to the Rebbe, and a Kohen (Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Gutnick) blessed the Rebbe with Birkat Kohanim (Priestly Blessing). Following these blessings, the Rebbe delivered a sicha lasting approximately 15 minutes, after which Maariv was prayed.

After Maariv, the distribution of dollars and the kuntres was scheduled to take place, but the gabbaim announced that the kuntreisim were not yet ready and there would be a break of about 15 minutes (apparently thinking that the Rebbe was still fasting, as was his custom on days he visited the Ohel, and to provide an opportunity to break the fast before the distribution, which would last for hours). However, instead of going up to his room, the Rebbe smiled and said, "Instead of taking a break, let's continue now," and delivered another sicha of about 10 minutes. By the end of this sicha, the kuntreisim were ready, and the distribution continued until 12:30 at night. Toward the end of the distribution, the Rebbe took one kovetz and placed it under his siddur. A few minutes later, he took another kovetz and placed it under the first one.

Content of the Kovetz[edit | edit source]

The kovetz has a red cover, inside a special plastic envelope, to which a dollar for tzedakah was also attached.

The kovetz contains over one hundred pages, including a brief historical overview of the activities undertaken for the rescue of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin, a description and brief points from the Rebbe's first farbrengen in the United States, chapter headings from the Rebbe's biography, a collection of the Rebbe's sichos delivered in connection with 9 Adar - when the Frierdiker Rebbe arrived in the United States in 5700 (1940) - and in connection with Chof Ches Sivan, regarding the avodah in the "lower hemisphere" (United States), and more. The kovetz also includes the Rebbe's maamarei chassidus (chassidic discourses) that were published in connection with Chof Ches Sivan.

Approaching Chof Ches Sivan 5781 (2021) - eighty years from 5701 - the kovetz was reprinted by "Kehot Publication Society" in a new edition and in limited quantity, with the sicha that the Rebbe delivered on the day of the kovetz's distribution in 5751 (1991) added at the end.

Dvar Malchus Chof Ches Sivan[edit | edit source]

The Rebbe Distributing The Kuntres

The sichos that the Rebbe delivered on Chof Ches Sivan 5751 after Mincha and also after Maariv before the distribution of the kuntres were edited and printed in Sefer HaSichos as a single sicha on the topic of Chof Ches Sivan - Jubilee Years.

During these sichos, there were wonderful and heavenly expressions about the geulah (redemption) in general, and about 770 in particular. The kuntres "Beis Rabbeinu SheBBavel" (regarding the superiority of the Moshiach's House - 770) is also based (primarily) on this sicha.

See Also[edit | edit source]

  • The Rescue of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin

Further Reading[edit | edit source]

  • "The Festival That Was Revealed Belatedly", Rabbi Eliezer Zaklikovsky, Kfar Chabad Weekly 1911, page 38

External Links[edit | edit source]

Chof Ches Sivan - Jubilee Years

Talk of Chof Ches Sivan 5751 (1991): Edited (Yiddish) • Translation to Hebrew • Text Version

Photo Gallery from Chof Ches Sivan 5751 (1991)

The Temple is Revealed in 770: Journal Combined with Photo Gallery

MoshiachCast Chof Ches Sivan - MoshiachCast program about the events of the day, the pamphlet and the talks