Rabbi Yaakov Yehudah Hecht

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Rabbi Yaakov Yehuda Hecht, (known as "J.J."), (24th of Cheshvan 5684 - 15th of Menachem Av 5750) was the emcee of children's rallies in the Rebbe's presence, and an active communal askan who was a member of Agudas Chassidei Chabad International, Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, director of Released Time, and dean of Yeshivas Hadar HaTorah.

Life History[edit | edit source]

Born in 5684 to his father Rabbi Yehoshua Hecht, in his youth he became close to Lubavitch together with his five brothers, and began learning in the Central Tomchei Tmimim.

In the winter of 5705, he became engaged to his wife Mrs. Chava Lasker.

After his marriage, he served as rabbi of Congregation Meir Simcha HaKohen East Flatbush. In his early years as a rabbi, he would come to the Rebbe (even before the nesius) and the Rebbe would guide him on how and what to speak about in shul.

He was appointed by our Rebbeim to central positions: member of Agudas Chassidei Chabad International and Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, member of Machne Israel and director of Released Time.

For many years, he emceed the children's rallies at 770 (the Rally and Parade).

In 5713, following the Rebbe's directive, he established a summer camp for girls. The name given to the camp with the Rebbe's approval was 'Camp Emunah'.

Once the Rebbe remarked about him: that he has a chassid who does what the Rebbe wants.

He would translate the Rebbe's sichos from Yiddish to English during farbrengens, in addition to translating the sichos that were said to children.

Rabbi Hecht wrote two books titled "Brimstone and Fire" and "Essays on Judaism".

Passing[edit | edit source]

In 5750, it was his last Simchas Torah with the Rebbe before his passing.

During hakafos when he returned with the Sefer Torah, the Rebbe showed him a sign of a kiss with his hand in a serious and very warm manner.

Afterwards, he told his son Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Hecht that when he entered the sukkah at the end of Shemini Atzeres to take leave of the sukkah, he fell asleep there and dreamed about wanting to give the Rebbe a kiss.

He passed away on 15th of Menachem Av 5750, and merited that the Rebbe spoke about him in a sicha, in which the Rebbe also explained his name and said that "Yaakov Yehuda" has the same gematria as "Rebbe" since he worked on matters of the Nasi HaDor in educating Jewish children.

During his levaya, the Rebbe was at the Ohel and when the Rebbe finished davening at the Ohel, the Rebbe walked to the section where he was buried that day and stayed there for a long time.

In his memory, Yeshivas Hadar HaTorah which was under his leadership was dedicated in his name and received the name "Yeshivas Kol Yaakov Yehuda - Hadar HaTorah".

At the conclusion of the Lag B'Omer parade in 5747, the Rebbe expressed his satisfaction with the event, and asked Rabbi Hecht "What about his melancholy?" Rabbi Hecht answered: "The Rebbe pulled me out of it," and the Rebbe responded - and waved his holy hands: "I elevated you from it..."

Public Activities[edit | edit source]

  • Dean of Yeshivas Hadar HaTorah
  • Physical Director of Machon Chana
  • Director of Released Time - Religious Education Hours called "Release Time"
  • Vice President of the Committee for the Preservation and Enhancement of Kosher Education
  • Director of Camp Emunah
  • The Jewish Children's Fund of Iran

Family[edit | edit source]

His Wife[edit | edit source]

Mrs. Chava - passed away 7th of Adar I 5782

His Sons[edit | edit source]
  • Rabbi Sholom Ber Hecht - the Rebbe's shliach in Queens
  • Rabbi Shimon Hecht - the Rebbe's shliach in Park Slope neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York - and emcees the parade in front of 770 when it falls on Sunday
  • Rabbi Yehoshua Hecht - the Rebbe's shliach and community rabbi in Canarsie neighborhood of Brooklyn
  • Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Hecht - the Rebbe's shliach in South Africa
  • Rabbi Levi Hecht - Crown Heights
His Sons-in-Law[edit | edit source]
  • Rabbi Bentzion Raskin - Crown Heights
  • Rabbi Menachem Mendel Duchman - Los Angeles
  • Rabbi Alter Yaakov Yehuda Tenenbaum - the Rebbe's shliach in Irvine, California
  • Rabbi Shlomo Leib Abramowitz - from the heads of Released Time
  • Rabbi Dovid sobel