Mesechtas Shekalim: Revision history

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3 March 2025

2 March 2025

  • curprev 14:4814:48, 2 March 2025Raphaelwilmowsky talk contribs 1,925 bytes +1,925 Created page with "Masechtas Shekalim from Seder Moed is the tractate that follows Masechet Pesachim. The Rebbe explains the connection between this tractate and the one before it, noting that the beginning of Masechet Pesachim discusses primary and secondary matters, as the mitzvah of searching for chametz serves as a means to fulfill the prohibition of "bal yeira'eh" (not seeing chametz). At the end of the tractate, it discusses sacrifices that are secondary to the Pesach offerings. Sim..." Tag: Visual edit