The World of Asiyah
Olam Ha'asiyah - The World of Asiyah is the lowest world, "the lowest, with nothing beneath it" among the four worlds of ABYA: Atzilut, Beriah, Yetzirah, and Asiyah.
Regarding Olam Ha'asiyah in its entirety, it is said that "Ofan is in Asiyah," and it is also called in its entirety "the World of Spheres," as this entire world is connected to the practical governance of this world.
Its Nature[edit | edit source]
Olam Ha'asiyah is the lowest world among the four worlds of ABYA. From Olam Ha'atzilut, where the Ohr Ein Sof itself dwells, the light is concealed through a partition (parsa) in order to allow the creation of Olam HaBeriah. From Olam HaBeriah, the light descends and contracts to Olam HaYetzirah, and from there it contracts even further in its descent to Olam Ha'asiyah. Thus, Olam Ha'asiyah is the lowest of the four worlds of ABYA. It is understood that this world is lower than the worlds that preceded Olam Ha'atzilut, as it is the final and lowest world in the order of hishtalshelut (chainlike descent).
It is explained that the difference between Olam HaYetzirah and Olam Ha'asiyah is a difference of distance. Olam HaBeriah corresponds to thought and Olam HaYetzirah corresponds to speech, and there is a relationship between them, as what a person thinks, they speak. This is not the case with Olam Ha'asiyah, which corresponds to action, which is distant from thought and speech. Therefore it is said, "I have also made it," indicating that Olam Ha'asiyah is in the category of distance.
The Formation of Olam Ha'asiyah[edit | edit source]
In particular, the formation of Olam Ha'asiyah is through Malchut of Malchut of Olam HaYetzirah, which descends and becomes Keter and Atik Yomin for Olam Ha'asiyah, and this is what is meant by "Whatever Hashem desires, He does."
In a more general way of the revelation of the ten sefirot of Olam Ha'atzilut in the worlds of ABYA, it is said that "Ofan is in Asiyah," meaning that Malchut of Atzilut resides in Olam Ha'asiyah.
Generally, Olam Ha'asiyah is called "the World of Spheres," compared to Olam HaYetzirah which is called "the World of Angels," and Olam HaBeriah which is called "the World of Souls."
Spiritual Olam Ha'asiyah and Physical Olam Ha'asiyah[edit | edit source]
Generally, Olam Ha'asiyah is divided into two parts: Spiritual Olam Ha'asiyah and Physical Olam Ha'asiyah. Spiritual Olam Ha'asiyah includes the ten sefirot of Olam Ha'asiyah, from which souls, angels called Ofanim, and more are formed. Also the kelipot: kelipat nogah, from which the three impure kelipot draw sustenance, and these kelipot fill this physical world.
Physical Olam Ha'asiyah is the lower part of Olam Ha'asiyah, and it is this physical world. The formation of this world is not in the manner of cause and effect but by the power of the Ein Sof. This world is the "lowest world with nothing beneath it" and it is "full of kelipot and sitra achra that are directly opposed to Havayah."
In particular, the formation of this physical world is from Malchut of Malchut of the ten sefirot of Olam Ha'asiyah, which extends to the Ofanim. From the dregs of the Ofanim, which is the external part of the Ofanim and their waste, it extends to the 70 ministers. From the 70 ministers, the influence extends to the sphere of the mazalot (constellations). The influence of the mazalot on this world is as stated: "There is no blade of grass that does not have a mazal in the sky that strikes it and tells it to grow."
Klipos of Olam Ha'Asiyah[edit | edit source]
Klipos Nogah in Olam Ha'Asiyah is almost entirely evil, with only a small amount of good mixed within it. Olam Ha'Asiyah is close to the realm of klipos and chitzonim (external forces), and therefore the nefesh of Olam Ha'Asiyah can perform complete evil.
The Formation of Klipos[edit | edit source]
The parsos (screens/veils) of the worlds of Atzilus, Beriah, and Yetzirah are all within kedushah, but they separate between the higher kedushah of the upper world and the lower world. However, in Olam Ha'Asiyah, which is the lowest world with nothing beneath it in level, which is the final level of kedushah in the entire seder hishtalshelus (chain of spiritual worlds), the parsa within it separates between the holy and the mundane, between the ten sefiros of kedushah of Olam Ha'Asiyah and the ten sefiros in nogah of Olam Ha'Asiyah (as the branching of klipas nogah comes from Olam Ha'Asiyah).
See Also[edit | edit source]
- The purpose of the descent of the neshamah to this world