The Power of Growth

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The power of growth (Koach HaTzomeach) is the spiritual force that dwells in the earth and causes plants to grow.

Origin and Root[edit | edit source]

All flavors such as sourness and sweetness in plants originate from the spiritual sweetness that exists in the spiritual power of growth (where the sweetness is greater than in the physical apple). Our Sages of blessed memory said, "There is no grass below that does not have a mazal above that strikes it and says 'Grow!'" All the flavors, sweetness, and sourness that exist in the power of growth flow down from the mazalot (celestial influences) above, and the mazalot receive from the angels, and the angels receive from one another from above until the highest levels, and the source of them all is the word of Hashem – which is the source of all pleasures. Sweetness is an aspect of kindness (chasadim) and sourness is an aspect of severity (gevurot), and all the variations of physical flavors below are according to the quality of the combinations of attributes above. The word of Hashem refers to the ten utterances written in the portion of Bereishit, where from the utterance "Let the earth sprout forth..." all types of vegetation were created, and from the utterance "fruit tree..." all types of fruits were created with various flavors of sweetness and sourness.

The General and the Particular[edit | edit source]

In all vegetation's growth from nothing to something, two levels of "nothingness" (ayin) are required: a) nothingness as it is included in its source, and b) nothingness as it is the source for something (yesh).

The explanation is that when light is included in its source (the luminary), it is nullified to its source and exists in a state of "receiving" from it – "while busy absorbing, it cannot emit." What it projects outward is only a radiation from it. That is, the aspect of nothingness as it is included in the essence of the provider is not recognizable as having any existence at all (like one standing before the king – who is completely nullified in his existence and cannot be a source of influence to others except when he distances himself from the king, similar to the springs of the deep that cannot flow into rivers except through the separation of the earth's thickness and the constriction through the earth's channels, like light that performs its function of illumination specifically in a space where its source is not present).

And so it is with the power of growth. The general power of growth itself (the general "nothingness") is the property of the earth to cause growth, but for actual growth to occur, this power must be awakened through the raising of "feminine waters" (an awakening from the receiver), which is the "nothingness" aspect of the receiver. This awakening occurs through the decomposition of the seed: the nullification of the physical existence of the seed toward the physical earth causes the nullification of the spiritual power in the seed to the general power of growth, and awakens it to grow a new plant of the same kind as the seed.

Something from Nothing[edit | edit source]

At the end of Igeret HaKodesh chapter 20 in Tanya (and other places), the Alter Rebbe clarifies that the function of the power of growth is not to grow the seed, but rather the opposite – the seed awakens the power of growth in the earth – and it alone causes the growth (not that the seed receives power from it to grow). For this reason, the action of the power of growth is called "from nothing to something" – because the spiritual power of growth produces physical plants, and physicality from spirituality is something from nothing. In the words of the Alter Rebbe: "The seed was also created from the power of growth and contains within it the power of growth in a hidden state... therefore, when the body of the seed decomposes and disintegrates, the power of growth clothed within it becomes nullified to the general power of growth in the earth and becomes feminine waters to it, and it grows according to the type of seed, etc."

Its Significance in Divine Service[edit | edit source]

The significance of the power of growth in divine service is explained in Igeret HaKodesh chapter 20 in Tanya. The letter reveals a new principle in Chassidut and explains at length that the power of growth in the ground reveals that specifically in the inanimate (earth) is revealed the power of the Infinite (in the continuous and eternal growth of new plants from nothing to something). The understanding that specifically in physical things (in which we fulfill the mitzvot) is revealed His essence and being literally (and not in lights, revelations, and spiritual matters) adds wonderful vitality to the fulfillment of mitzvot.

"The number of heavenly soul words 'His essence and being, whose existence is from His essence, He alone has the power and ability to create something from nothing and absolute nothingness literally' opened new wellsprings of vitality in the fulfillment of practical mitzvot for Chassidim." — The Rebbe Rayatz's talk on Acharon Shel Pesach 5694.

Metaphor for Charity[edit | edit source]

In Igeret HaKodesh chapter 8 in Tanya, the power of growth is used as a metaphor for the virtue of charity. As is known, the seed that is planted in the earth neither grows nor causes growth. Its planting only awakens the spiritual power of growth in the earth – and it alone causes the tree to grow.

So it is with charity: charity is planted in the "supernal earth," and awakens the divine "power of growth" – which causes love with delights to grow in a person.

See Also[edit | edit source]

  • Plowing and Sowing