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27 March 2025

     13:50  Template:Reflist diffhist −159 770m.robin talk contribs Tag: Manual revert

22 March 2025

     18:58  Template:Reflist diffhist +1,060 Shia.k talk contribs
N    17:44  Template:Semantic markup templates diffhist +6,271 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "{{Navbox | name = Semantic markup templates | state = {{{state|{{{1|<includeonly>collapsed</includeonly>}}}}}} | title = {{c|Semantic markup templates}} | liststyle = font-size:110%; | tracking = no <!-- keep the documented templates out of the hlist tracking category --> | list1 = {{Aligned table |cols=3 |class=wikitable sortable |style=line-height:1.35em;text-align:left; |colstyle=<!--vertical-align:middle;-->padding-right:1.0em; |col2style=white-space:nowr...")
N    17:43  Module:MultiReplace diffhist +1,446 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "local p = {} local function MultiReplace(args) local input = args[1] or "{{{1}}}" local plain = args.plain == "yes" local i = 1 local changeList = {} while args[i * 2] do local change = {pattern = args[i * 2], repl = args[i * 2 + 1]} if not change.repl then return require('Module:Error').error{ 'MultiReplace: Unpaired argument: <code>' .. (i * 2) .. ' = ' .. mw.text.nowiki(change.pattern) .. '</code>' } end changeList[i] = change i = i + 1 end...")
N    17:43  Module:Key diffhist +4,676 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "-- This module implements {{key press}}. local kbdPrefix = '<kbd class="keyboard-key nowrap">' local kbdSuffix = '</kbd>' local keyText = { ['caps lock'] = '⇪ Caps Lock', ['caps lock'] = '⇪ Caps Lock', ['shift'] = '⇧ Shift', ['shift'] = '⇧ Shift', ['enter'] = '↵ Enter', ['enter'] = '↵ Enter', ['cmd'] = '⌘ Cmd', ['cmd'] = '⌘ Cmd', ['command'] = '⌘...")
N    17:43  Template:Samp diffhist +380 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "<samp {{#if:{{{class|}}}|class="{{{class}}}"}} {{#if:{{{id|}}}|id="{{{id}}}"}} style="padding-left:0.4em; padding-right:0.4em; color:{{{color|var( --color-subtle, #666666)}}}; {{{style|}}}" {{#if:{{{lang|}}}|lang="{{{lang}}}"}} {{#if:{{{title|}}}|title="{{{title}}}"}}>{{{1}}}</samp><noinclude> <!--Categories go near the bottom of the /doc page.--> {{Documentation}} </noinclude>")
N    17:42  Template:Var serif diffhist +432 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "{{<includeonly>safesubst:</includeonly>ifsubst|1=|2=<templatestyles src="Var serif/styles.css" />}}<var class="var-serif {{#if:{{{class|}}}|{{{class}}}}}" {{#if:{{{id|}}}|id="{{{id}}}"}} {{#if:{{{style|}}}|style="{{{style}}}"}} {{#if:{{{lang|}}}|lang="{{{lang}}}"}} {{#if:{{{title|}}}|title="{{{title}}}"}}>{{{1}}}</var><noinclude> <!--Categories and interwikis go near the bottom of the /doc page.--> {{Documentation}} </noinclude>")
N    17:42  Template:Var diffhist +322 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "<var {{#if:{{{class|}}}|class="{{{class}}}"}} {{#if:{{{id|}}}|id="{{{id}}}"}} style="padding-right: 1px;{{{style|}}}" {{#if:{{{lang|}}}|lang="{{{lang}}}"}} {{#if:{{{title|}}}|title="{{{title}}}"}}>{{{1}}}</var><noinclude> <!--Categories and interwikis go near the bottom of the /doc page.--> {{Documentation}} </noinclude>")
N    17:42  Template:Template journal parameter diffhist +580 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "<includeonly>{{#if:{{{1|}}} |<templatestyles src="Template:Template journal inline/styles.css" /><span class="tj-tape">{{#invoke:MultiReplace|main | plain = no | 1 = {{{1|}}} | 2 = ^([^:].-)%s*:%s*(.*)$ | 3 = <span class{{=}}"tj-an">%1</span><span class{{=}}"tj-nc">=</span><span class{{=}}"tj-ac">%2</span> | 4 = ^[^:]+$ | 5 = <span class{{=}}"tj-ac">%0</span> | 6 = ^:%s*(.*)$ | 7 = <span class{{=}}"tj-nc">=</span><span class{{=}}"tj-ac">%1</span>...")
N    17:42  Template:Tjp diffhist +96 Shia.k talk contribs (Redirected page to Template:Template journal parameter) Tag: New redirect
N    17:41  Template:Stronggood diffhist +431 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "{{#ifeq:{{NAMESPACE}}|{{ns:0}}|{{FormattingError|Template:Stronggood is only for use in template documentation, guidelines and other Wikipedia-internal purposes. Do not use it in actual articles.}}|{{strong|1={{{1}}}|style=color:green;{{{style|}}} |role={{{role|}}} |class={{{class|}}} |id={{{id|}}} |title={{{title|}}} }} }}<noinclude> {{documentation}} <!-- Add cats and interwikis to the /doc subpage, not here! --> </noinclude>")
N    17:41  Template:Strongbad diffhist +412 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "{{main other|{{FormattingError|Template:Strongbad is only for use in template documentation, guidelines, and other Wikipedia-internal purposes. Do not use it in actual articles.}}|{{strong|1={{{1}}}|style=color: red; {{{style|}}} |role={{{role|}}} |class={{{class|}}} |id={{{id|}}} |title={{{title|}}} }}}}<noinclude> {{documentation}} <!-- Add cats and interwikis to the /doc subpage, not here! --> </noinclude>")
N    17:40  Template:Pvalue diffhist +67 Shia.k talk contribs (Redirected page to Template:Param value) Tag: New redirect
N    17:40  Template:PreCode diffhist +182 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "<code style="white-space:pre;{{{style|}}}">{{{1|text}}}</code><noinclude> {{documentation}} <!-- Add categories to the /doc subpage, interwikis to Wikidata, not here --> </noinclude>")
N    17:40  Template:Param diffhist +464 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "{{SAFESUBST:<noinclude />#ifeq:{{SAFESUBST:<noinclude />Yesno|{{{nested|no}}}}}|yes||<{{{tag|code}}}>}}{{{{{{1<noinclude>|foo</noinclude>}}}{{SAFESUBST:<noinclude />#ifeq:{{{2}}}|{{{2|}}} ||}}{{{2|}}}}}}{{SAFESUBST:<noinclude />#ifeq:{{SAFESUBST:<noinclude />Yesno|{{{nested|no}}}}}|yes||</{{{tag|code}}}>}}<noinclude> {{Documentation}} <!-- PLEASE ADD CATEGORIES AND INTERWIKIS TO THE /doc SUBPAGE, THANKS --> </noinclude>")
N    17:40  Template:Key top diffhist +8,399 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "<onlyinclude><kbd class="keyboard-key nowrap" style="border: 0.1em solid #AAA; border-radius:0.2em; box-shadow: 0.1em 0.2em 0.2em #DDD; background-color: #F9F9F9; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #EEE, #F9F9F9, #EEE); padding: 0.1em 0.3em; font-family: inherit; font-size: 0.85em;">{{#switch:{{lc:{{{1}}}}} | shift lock = ⇪ {{{2|{{{1}}}}}} | second level lock | 2nd level lock | l2 lock | level 2 lock = ⇫ {{{2|{{{1}}}}}} | capi...")
N    17:39  Template:Key press diffhist +113 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "<includeonly>{{{{{♥|safesubst:}}}#invoke:key|keypress}}</includeonly><noinclude> {{documentation}} </noinclude>")
N    17:39  Template:Kbd diffhist +523 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "<templatestyles src="Kbd/styles.css"></templatestyles><kbd class="{{{class|}}} mw-tmpl-kbd" {{#if:{{{id|}}}|id="{{{id}}}"}} style="{{#if:{{{spacing|}}}| padding-left:{{{padding|0.2em}}}; padding-right:{{{padding|0.2em}}};| letter-spacing:0.05em; padding-left:0.25em; padding-right:0.2em;}}{{#if:{{{style|}}}|{{{style}}}}}" {{#if:{{{lang|}}}|lang="{{{lang}}}"}} {{#if:{{{title|}}}|title="{{{title}}}"}}>{{{1|user input}}}</kbd><noinclude> <!--Categories go near the bottom of...")
N    17:38  Template:Button diffhist +811 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "<kbd class="nowrap button" title="{{{tooltip|This is not a clickable button; it illustrates the button one should find.}}}" style="padding:{{{padTB|.2em}}} {{{padLR|.6em}}}; border:1px solid; border-color:var(--border-color-base, #a2a9b1) var(--border-color-interactive, #72777d) var(--border-color-interactive, #72777d) var(--border-color-base, #a2a9b1); border-radius:3px; background-color: {{{bgcolor|#F2F2F2}}}; color: {{{fgcolor|inherit}}}; {{#if:{{{bgcolor|}}}||backgro...")
N    17:38  Template:Codett diffhist +226 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "<includeonly>{{code|{{{code|{{{1}}}}}}|lang={{{lang|{{{2|text}}}}}}|class={{{class|}}}|id={{{id|}}}|style="background:none; border:none; color:inherit; padding: 0px 0px;"}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{documentation}}</noinclude>")
N    17:38  Template:Deprecated code diffhist +427 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "<del class="deprecated-content {{{class|}}}" style="color:{{#if:{{{red|}}}|var(--color-content-removed, #8B0000)|var(--color-subtle, #808080)}}; text-decoration:none; {{#if:{{{style|}}}|{{{style}}}|}}" {{#if:{{{id|}}}|id="{{{id}}}"|}} {{#if:{{{title|{{{2|}}}}}}|title="{{{title|{{{2}}}}}}"|}}>{{{1}}}</del><noinclude> {{documentation}} <!-- Add categories to the /doc subpage, interwikis to Wikidata, not here --> </noinclude>")
N    17:37  Template:Deprecated code red diffhist +223 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "{{Deprecated code|red=y|{{{1|Example text}}}}}<noinclude> {{documentation|Template:Deprecated code/doc}} <!-- Please add documentation and categories to the /doc subpage, interwikis to Wikidata, thank you --> </noinclude>")
N    17:37  Template:Dcr diffhist +427 Shia.k talk contribs (Created page with "<del class="deprecated-content {{{class|}}}" style="color:{{#if:{{{red|}}}|var(--color-content-removed, #8B0000)|var(--color-subtle, #808080)}}; text-decoration:none; {{#if:{{{style|}}}|{{{style}}}|}}" {{#if:{{{id|}}}|id="{{{id}}}"|}} {{#if:{{{title|{{{2|}}}}}}|title="{{{title|{{{2}}}}}}"|}}>{{{1}}}</del><noinclude> {{documentation}} <!-- Add categories to the /doc subpage, interwikis to Wikidata, not here --> </noinclude>")
N    17:37  Template:Dc2 diffhist +89 Shia.k talk contribs (Redirected page to Template:Deprecated code red) Tag: New redirect