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(Created page with "The Mitteler Rebbe (Middle Rebbe), Rabbi DovBer Schneuri - originally in Yiddish "Der Mitteler Rebbe" - (9 Kislev 5534 - 9 Kislev 5588), was the second Rebbe in the dynasty of Chabad Rebbes and successor to his father, the Alter Rebbe. His nesius (leadership) was characterized by harchava (expansiveness and abundance), and he wrote and delivered thousands of maamarim (Chassidic discourses). He became known as the "Mitteler Rebbe" after his histalkus (passing), following...")
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== Life History ==
== Life History ==
Birth After 14 years of marriage during which only daughters were born, his father, the Alter Rebbe, traveled to his Rebbe, the Maggid of Mezritch, for a bracha for a son. The Maggid promised that if he would excel in hachnosas orchim (hospitality), he would merit a son, hinting to this from the possuk "Bameh yizakeh naar - es archo" (how shall a young man merit - through his ways/guests).
After 14 years of marriage during which only daughters were born, his father, [[the Alter Rebbe]], traveled to his Rebbe, the Maggid of Mezritch, for a bracha for a son. The Maggid promised that if he would excel in hachnosas orchim (hospitality), he would merit a son, hinting to this from the possuk "Bameh yizakeh naar - es archo" (how shall a young man merit - through his ways/guests).

On the final Shabbos of the Maggid's life, Parshas Vayishlach 5533, he revealed to the Alter Rebbe the inner meanings of the "Shalom Zachar" and "Vach Nacht" ceremonies, promising him a son whom he should name after him (DovBer).
On the final Shabbos of the Maggid's life, Parshas Vayishlach 5533, he revealed to the Alter Rebbe the inner meanings of the "Shalom Zachar" and "Vach Nacht" ceremonies, promising him a son whom he should name after him (DovBer).
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