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The Rebbe Maharash's Chassidic discourses have been published over the years. While most of his holy letters appear to have been lost, a single volume of his correspondence has been published as "Igros Kodesh of the Rebbe Maharash."
The Rebbe Maharash's Chassidic discourses have been published over the years. While most of his holy letters appear to have been lost, a single volume of his correspondence has been published as "Igros Kodesh of the Rebbe Maharash."

=== Style and Transmission ===
== Style and Transmission ==
The Rebbe Maharash would deliver Chassidic discourses on Shabbos, holidays, and other special occasions. His discourses were known for their clarity while maintaining exceptional depth. After the team of chozrim (those who would memorize and transcribe the discourses) had thoroughly reviewed the discourse, the manichim (those who would write them down) would enter the Rebbe's presence and repeat the discourse before him. He would correct their mistakes and explain aspects requiring clarification.
The Rebbe Maharash would deliver Chassidic discourses on Shabbos, holidays, and other special occasions. His discourses were known for their clarity while maintaining exceptional depth. After the team of chozrim (those who would memorize and transcribe the discourses) had thoroughly reviewed the discourse, the manichim (those who would write them down) would enter the Rebbe's presence and repeat the discourse before him. He would correct their mistakes and explain aspects requiring clarification.

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He was known for his saying "L'chatchila Ariber" - teaching that rather than going under or around an obstacle, one should go over it from the outset. His leadership combined profound spiritual guidance through Chassidic teachings with practical action for the Jewish people's benefit, setting a model for future generations of Chabad leadership.
He was known for his saying "L'chatchila Ariber" - teaching that rather than going under or around an obstacle, one should go over it from the outset. His leadership combined profound spiritual guidance through Chassidic teachings with practical action for the Jewish people's benefit, setting a model for future generations of Chabad leadership.

== Lchatchila Ariber ==
== Lechatchila Ariber ==
For further reading – see '''Lchatchila Ariber'''
The Rebbe Maharash coined the phrase and taught the approach of "Lechatchila Ariber" (Ariber meaning "above"). Because of this, the Rebbe refers to him as the Baal Lechatchila Ariber. Here are his words:

The Rebbe Maharash coined the phrase and taught the approach of "Lchatchila Ariber" (Ariber meaning "above/over"), for which he was called by the Rebbe "The Baal Lchatchila Ariber." Here are his exact words:
"Di velt zogt az mi ken nit arunter darf men ariber, un ich halt az mi darf lechatchila ariber, mi darf lechatchila nemen mit shtarkait nit nispal vern far kein zach un durchfiren dos vos mi darf, un az mi nemt zich helft der Eibershter."

די וועלט זאגט אז מיא קאן ניט ארונטער דארף מען אריבער, און איך האלט אז מיא דארף לכתחילה אריבער, מיא דארף לכתחילה נעמען מיט שטארקייט ניט נתפעל ווערן פאר קיין זאך און דורך פיהרן דאס ואס מיא דארף, און אז מי נעמט זיך העלפט דער אייבערשטער
Translation: The world (most people) believes that when you cannot go under, you need to go over. But I believe that from the outset one should go over - from the start one should act with strength, not be impressed by anything, and carry out what needs to be done, and when one begins this way, Hashem helps.

'''Translation''' - The world (most people) maintains: when one cannot go under, one must go over, but I maintain that from the outset one must go over, from the outset one must act with strength, not be impressed by anything, and carry out what needs to be done, and when one begins this way, the Holy One, Blessed be He, helps.
The meaning of this saying is that while the world claims that only when unable to take the regular path should one try to 'jump' over difficulties, the Rebbe Maharash said that in his opinion, one should initially approach everything by jumping over all difficulties and obstacles - "Lechatchila Ariber."

The content of this saying is that the world claims that only when one cannot succeed via the regular path must one try to 'leap over' the difficulties, but the Rebbe Maharash said that in his opinion, one should proceed from the outset in a manner of leaping over all difficulties and obstacles - "Lchatchila Ariber."
The Rebbe adds that the Rebbe Maharash's conduct was indeed in the manner of "Lechatchila Ariber" - even in physical matters he conducted himself with honor, wealth, and abundance. Even the special niggun attributed to the Rebbe Maharash became known as the Lechatchila Ariber niggun.

The Rebbe adds and says that the Rebbe Maharash's conduct was indeed in the manner of "Lchatchila Ariber," that even in physical matters he conducted himself with dignity, wealth, and abundance, and even the niggun attributed to the Rebbe Maharash became known as the Niggun Lchatchila Ariber.
== Application to Teshuva ==
The concept of "Lechatchila Ariber" also relates to the way of doing teshuva. Previously, teshuva was done through merirus (bitterness) and then one would reach simcha. The difference between merirus and atzvus (sadness): merirus is contemplation of Hashem's greatness and pain over distance from Elokus. Merirus is a movement of chayus that comes from bitul. In contrast, atzvus is contemplation of one's low level compared to where one wants to be. Atzvus comes from yeshus and ego. Therefore, atzvus can lead to despair. In Chassidus, atzvus is a Torah prohibition. Since it's difficult to distinguish between atzvus and merirus, and atzvus is very dangerous, the Rebbe says that in our generation every moment is precious, we need to bring the geula, and "we don't have strength for the work of merirus" - we must be only in the approach of simcha, and even if we fall spiritually, not to fall into atzvus but to continue forward with simcha over the zechus to fix and the zechus to fulfill mitzvos that connect us to Hashem.

The concept of "Lchatchila Ariber" also relates to the manner of avodas hateshuva (service of repentance). In the past, teshuva was done through merirus (bitterness) and then one would reach simcha (joy). The difference between merirus and atzvus (depression) is: merirus is contemplation of G-d's greatness and pain over distance from G-dliness. Merirus is a movement of vitality that comes from bitul (self-nullification). In contrast, atzvus is contemplation of one's low level in relation to what one would like to be. Atzvus comes from yeshus (ego) and self. Therefore, atzvus can lead to despair. In Chassidus, atzvus is considered a biblical transgression. Since it is difficult to distinguish between atzvus and merirus, and atzvus is very dangerous, the Rebbe says that in our generation every moment is precious, we need to bring the redemption, and "we don't have the strength for the service of merirus" - we must remain only in the line of simcha, and even if we fall spiritually, we should not fall into atzvus but continue forward with joy over the privilege of rectifying and the privilege of fulfilling mitzvos that connect us to Hashem.
== His Histalkus ==
In 1882, a serious illness was discovered in him, and on 13 Tishrei 1882 (September 26, 1882), after parting from his sons, he was nistalek (while sitting on his chair in his holy room), at the age of forty-eight and a half. His resting place is in Lubavitch next to the tzion of his father, the Tzemach Tzedek.

== His Passing ==
During the Holocaust, the ohel was destroyed and the matzeivos were knocked down. Years later, Rabbi Abba David Gurevitch erected the matzeivos and built a fence around them. Rabbi David Nachshon built a new ohel.
The resting place of the Rebbe Maharash
In the year 5642 (1882), he developed a serious illness, and on the 13th of Tishrei 5643 (September 26, 1882), after bidding farewell to his sons, he passed away (while sitting in his chair in his holy chamber), at the age of forty-eight and a half. His honorable resting place is in Lubavitch next to the resting place of his father, the Tzemach Tzedek.
During the Holocaust, the ohel was destroyed and the tombstones were toppled. Years later, Rabbi Abba David Gurevitch restored the tombstones and built a fence around them. Rabbi David Nachshon built a new ohel.

== His Facial Features and Portrait ==
== His Facial Features and Portrait ==
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According to tradition, the facial features of the Rebbe Maharash were similar to those of the Rebbe Rayatz. This is based on a story that the Rebbe Rayatz told and the Rebbe repeated many times:
According to tradition, the facial features of the Rebbe Maharash were similar to those of the Rebbe Rayatz. This is based on a story that the Rebbe Rayatz told and the Rebbe repeated many times:

During the Baal HaGeulah's famous visit to the Holy Land, one of the chassidim of the Rebbe Maharash came to him for yechidus, and immediately upon entering the room fainted! When they asked him the reason for his fainting, he answered: I saw in the Rebbe's face the countenance of the Rebbe Maharash... He hadn't seen the Rebbe Maharash for decades, and upon seeing the face of the Rebbe Maharash [in the Rebbe Rayatz], he immediately fainted.
During the Baal HaGeulah's famous visit to the Holy Land, one of the chassidim of the Rebbe Maharash came to him for yechidus, and immediately upon entering the room fainted! When they asked him the reason for his fainting, he answered: I saw in the Rebbe's face the countenance of the Rebbe Maharash... He hadn't seen the Rebbe Maharash for decades, and upon seeing the face of the Rebbe Maharash [in the Rebbe Rayatz], he immediately fainted<ref>12 Tammuz 5745 - Hisvaaduyos 5745 Vol. 4 p. 245</ref>
== Children ==
* Rebbetzin Devorah Leah
* Rabbi Avraham Sander
* Rabbi Shneur Zalman Aharon - the RAZA
* Rabbi Shalom DovBer - the Rebbe Rashab
* The infant Chaim Moshe
* Rabbi Menachem Mendel
* Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka
== His Works ==
* Likkutei Torah - Toras Shmuel
* Likkutei Torah on Three Parshiyos
* Shut Admur Maharash (Responsa)
* Igros Kodesh (Admur Maharash)
* Sefer HaSichos Toras Shmuel - Collected
== His Niggunim ==
* Niggun Ashrei Ish
* Niggun Shuvu Shuvu
* Niggun Admur Maharash (Lechatchila Ariber)
* Niggun Tzamah Nafshi
== See Also ==
* 2nd of Iyar - Customs
== Further Reading ==

— 12 Tammuz 5745 - Hisvaaduyos 5745 Vol. 4 p. 245
* Sefer HaToldos Admur Maharash
* Rabbi Shalom DovBer Levin, "History of Chabad in Czarist Russia", Kehot Publication Society, New York, 5770
* Menachem Ziegelboim, Istalek Yakra - The Story of the Passing of Chabad Rebbes page 141, 5773
* Shneur Zalman Berger, History of Chabad in Petersburg
* "The Young Son - A Story unto Itself", Chassidic Stories about the Rebbe Maharash, Kfar Chabad Weekly 1904 page 63

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[[Category:Chabad Rebbes]]
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