Rabbi Mordechai Dovid Altein: Difference between revisions

Created page with "Born on 5 Tammuz 5679 (1919) in the United States to R' Tzvi Hirsh and Chana Altein, who were from a Galician chassidic family. He studied at Torah Vodaas Yeshiva and became close to Chabad chassidus at Achei Tmimim Yeshiva through Rabbi Israel Jacobson (who later became his father-in-law). He subsequently traveled with a group of bochurim to the yeshiva in Otwock. When the war broke out, the bochurim returned to the United States under the instruction of the Frierdiker..."
(Created page with "Born on 5 Tammuz 5679 (1919) in the United States to R' Tzvi Hirsh and Chana Altein, who were from a Galician chassidic family. He studied at Torah Vodaas Yeshiva and became close to Chabad chassidus at Achei Tmimim Yeshiva through Rabbi Israel Jacobson (who later became his father-in-law). He subsequently traveled with a group of bochurim to the yeshiva in Otwock. When the war broke out, the bochurim returned to the United States under the instruction of the Frierdiker...")
(No difference)
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