Shalom Menachem Mendel Simpson

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Rabbi Shalom Menachem Mendel Simpson (29 Tammuz 5689 - 29 Tammuz 5779 / 1929-2019) was the Rebbe's secretary, manager of Kupas Rabbeinu and the Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, chairman of the World Shluchim Convention Committee, and a member of the board of Agudas Chassidei Chabad Worldwide and Machne Israel.

Life History[edit | edit source]

He was born to Rabbi Eliyahu Yeachil Simpson, who served as secretary to the Frierdiker Rebbe.

He merited to have the Rebbe officiate at his wedding to Mrs. Rachel, daughter of Reb Mordechai Dov Telishevsky.

Already in his youth, the Rebbe requested him to work in the secretariat, thanks to his father who had served as secretary to the Frierdiker Rebbe and fulfilled his duties with complete loyalty and confidentiality, never revealing anything he heard during others' yechidus with the Rebbe. The first condition for Rabbi Shalom Mendel's work in the secretariat was that he must be a person of absolute discretion.

For several years, the very fact that he worked in the secretariat was kept secret, until the secret was revealed. As part of his work, he was involved in managing the dictation, copying, and sending of the Rebbe's letters. In the early period, he had to work inside the Rebbe's holy room while the Rebbe was present, as the Rebbe did not want the letters and copies to leave the room. Rabbi Simpson described that this was not easy and the feeling was quite challenging. After some time, he received a wall cabinet near the small zal, where he would stand for many hours doing his assigned work preparing letters, copies, etc. Over time, as the work expanded further, he began using the room where his father used to write pidyonos for those who came for yechidus with the Frierdiker Rebbe. Other people would also enter that room, and there too Rabbi Simpson maintained complete confidentiality.

In parallel with his work on the Rebbe's letters, he was also involved in managing various correspondences for Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch. Additionally, he was appointed by the Rebbe as rabbi of the community at the Chabad synagogue, beis medrash, and institutions at the Ocean View Jewish Center. He worked with dedication for nearly fifty years for the benefit of his community in Brighton Beach, New York - both materially and spiritually.

Over the years, Rabbi Simpson engaged in various communal matters in Chabad as part of his secretarial role. Among other things, he served as a board member of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, managed Maos Chitim and the distribution of the Shas on behalf of Machne Israel, and was involved in the publication and distribution of Kehot Publication Society books. Following the Rebbe's instruction, he was appointed as the representative of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch on the building committee for the expansion of 770.

Rabbi Simpson was appointed by the Rebbe to manage the secretariat archives, which house the Igros Kodesh written by the Rebbe over the years, as well as letters from questioners. In 5747 (1987), under his direction, the series of Igros Kodesh of the Rebbe began to be published, with Rabbi Simpson being responsible for selecting appropriate letters from the archives worthy of publication, making necessary omissions when needed, and so forth.

In 5748 (1988), he was appointed by the Rebbe (in a 'will document') to be a member of the main board of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch (together with Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Aizik Hodakov and Rabbi Nissan Mindel). In 5750 (1990), the Rebbe additionally appointed him as an official member of the boards of Agudas Chassidei Chabad Worldwide and Machne Israel. With the establishment of Kupas Rabbeinu in Cheshvan 5754 (1993), Rabbi Simpson was appointed as the manager of the fund.

After the passing of Rabbi Nissan Mindel in 5758 (1998), Rabbi Simpson remained the only person appointed by the Rebbe to the main board of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch. In this capacity, he organized the annual banquet of the World Shluchim Convention at 770, assisted in funding the activities of many shluchim, and personally accompanied the work of many shluchim. Additionally, he received the approval of the Crown Heights rabbis, Rabbi Yehuda Kalman Marlow and Rabbi Avraham Osdoba, to publish Kehot Publication Society books and make decisions regarding matters of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch.

He passed away on his 90th birthday, 29 Tammuz 5779 (2019), and was buried adjacent to the Ohel.

Family[edit | edit source]

His wife, Rebbetzin Rachel Simpson - passed away on 16 Adar 5775 (2015).

  • His father Rabbi Eliyahu Yachil Simpson, secretary of Admor the Rayatz.
  • His son Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Simpson - principal of Lubavitcher Yeshiva, Crown Heights.
  • His son R' Avraham Simpson - Crown Heights.
  • His son R' Shimon Aharon Simpson - Crown Heights.
  • His son R' David Simpson - Sheepshead Bay.
  • His son-in-law R' Chaim Eliyahu Wilshanski - Crown Heights.
  • His son-in-law R' Levi Bornstein - Crown Heights.
  • His son-in-law R' Moshe Praeger - Crown Heights.

Further Reading[edit | edit source]

  • In the name of K"K Admor Shlita, Kfar Chabad weekly issue 1819 page 24

External Links[edit | edit source]

  • Exclusive interview with Rabbi Simpson about his holy work as the Rebbe's secretary
  • The full speech of Rabbi Simpson at the convention
  • When the Rebbe signed in the name of the secretary • Additional article
  • The monument was erected on the grave of Rabbi Simpson OBM
  • Pictures from his life
  • Hundreds accompanied the secretary Rabbi Simpson OBM to his final resting place
  • What is it in a receivable manner? Rabbi Simpson's speech at the Kinus Hashluchim 5764 (2004), from the program Va'abita Niflaos