Ratzo VaShuv (Running and Returning)

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Ratzo VaShuv is a concept in Chassidus that represents two fundamental movements in the service of angels in the higher worlds (regarding the Chayos HaKodesh in the Merkavah, it is said they were "running and returning like the appearance of lightning") and of souls in this world. The source of the concept of Ratzo VaShuv is in the aspect of Mati V'Lo Mati (reaching and not reaching).

Ratzo (Running)[edit | edit source]

Ratzo in general is a service characterized by going beyond limitations, in an ascent from below to above. It is characterized by love with flames of fire in intensity, to leave the body and separate from the wick, and it is in the aspect of great love that the vessel of the heart cannot contain. There is no purpose for Ratzo in the human soul without Shuv, because when a person has Ratzo without Shuv in their soul, they could reach a state of Klos HaNefesh (expiration of the soul), which is not the purpose of man. After all, man's purpose is to make a dwelling place specifically in the lower worlds, as it is said "Against your will you live." Rather, the purpose of Ratzo in the human soul is to enter properly - with vitality and enthusiasm with the goal of devotion to Hashem - into a life of service in the world (Shuv), and likewise to give strength to physical actions to draw G-dliness into them.

The Ratzo comes from the desire to be attached to the light of Hashem that fills all worlds and is felt through the soul's expiration in the aspect of Ratzo, and the Shuv comes from contemplation of Hashem's light that surrounds all worlds, from the knowledge that His existence is found equally in all worlds.

Shuv (Returning)[edit | edit source]

Shuv in general is the service that comes after the Ratzo, and its purpose is to return to the vessels in a drawing down from above to below of the Ratzo. All service that is in the manner of rectification includes these two aspects.

In the Worlds[edit | edit source]

In the World of Tohu, the Sefiros were in the aspect of Ratzo without Shuv, and because of this there was the Breaking of the Vessels there. The World of Tikkun is in the aspect of Shuv, "He created it to be inhabited," which is the drawing down of lights into vessels.

The heart gives life to the entire body in the aspect of Ratzo VaShuv, as the blood of life is enclosed within it and then opens, and through this gives life to the entire body. So too, the matter of the life-force of all worlds is through the aspect of Ratzo VaShuv.

See Also[edit | edit source]

  • The sin of Nadav and Avihu