Rabbi Shmariyahu Feldman
Rabbi Shmariyahu Feldman (10 Shevat 5672 - 18 Iyar 5759; January 29, 1912 - May 4, 1999) was a Chassidic musician and singer.
Life History[edit | edit source]
Born on 10 Shevat 5672 in the town of Klimovitch to Reb Shlomo Chaim and Esther Hadassah. He studied in Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim between the years 5685-5693 (1925-1933) at the branches in Leningrad, Nevel, and Kharkov. He married Rebbetzin Sheina Basya, the daughter of Reb Yisroel Neveler (who was previously married to Reb Dovid Feigin).
At the end of World War II, they fled with thousands of other Chassidim in the famous escape. After a transition period in the Pocking displaced persons camp, they continued to France, and after two years proceeded to Eretz HaKodesh. They lived for a short period in Pardes Chana, and when Kfar Chabad was established, they joined the founding families and settled in one of the abandoned Arab houses that were in the area.
He was a precise musician and preserved many Chabad niggunim in his memory. Many of the niggunim that appear in Sefer HaNiggunim were recorded from his singing. He was also involved in spreading Chabad niggunim through singing at many Chabad events, on Nichoach records, and by producing his own albums.
Rav Feldman passed away on Lag B'Omer 5759.
Family[edit | edit source]
- His son (stepson), Reb Shalom Feldman - mashpia and manager of Yad HaChamisha printing press, Kfar Chabad.
- His daughter Sarah and son-in-law, Rabbi Moshe Kazinitz - the Rebbe's shliach and rabbi of Livingston, New Jersey, and member of Vaad Rabonei Lubavitch.
- His daughter, Professor Ella Belfer - Jerusalem.
- His son-in-law, Reb Binyamin Belfer - Jerusalem.