Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi

Rabbi Shlomo HaCohen Zarchi (born 1947) is a Mashpia and board member at the Central Tomchei Tmimim Yeshiva - 770. He is among the founders of Vaad Hanachos Hatmimim.
Life History[edit | edit source]
Born in the Pocking displaced persons camp in Germany on 28 Shevat 1947, to his father Rabbi Avraham Meir Zarchi and his mother Mrs. Liba Michla, daughter of R' Shlomo Raskin. He arrived with his parents and siblings in New York on 14 Nissan 1951.
Upon reaching the age of four and entering Cheder, his father received a special and unusual blessing letter from the Rebbe, in which he blessed his son.
From his childhood, his father took him to participate in the Rebbe's farbrengens, and from the first time, he never missed any farbrengen with the Rebbe and was present from beginning to end. At one of the farbrengens he attended in his childhood, he burst into tears, the Rebbe motioned for him to approach his chair, and he remained close to the Rebbe until the end of the farbrengen.
During his studies at Tomchei Tmimim Yeshiva in Bedford, he approached the Rebbe - as was customary in those years - during the Shabbos Mevorchim farbrengen to report to the Rebbe that he had an upcoming birthday and to inform what spiritual preparations he had taken upon himself. In practice, when he approached the Rebbe, he became confused and only managed to say that he had an upcoming birthday. In response, the Rebbe blessed him and said: "That you should say Chassidus in clear language". In subsequent years, the Rebbe instructed that he join the team of chozrim (those who would review and transcribe the Rebbe's talks).
Due to his gifted memory and the fact that throughout his years he merited to be educated and live in the Chassidic atmosphere of the Rebbe's court, Rabbi Zarchi is considered one of the greatest transmitters of tradition in the last generation, and an expert in Chassidic history in general and the history of the seventh generation in particular.
In 1966, together with Rabbi Yehoshua Dubrawski, Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Shapiro, Rabbi Shalom Ber Levtin, Rabbi Natan Wolf, and Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Baruch Gerlitzky, he founded the Vaad Hanachos Hatmimim.
Mashgiach and Mashpia[edit | edit source]
After his marriage to his wife Mrs. Chaya Sarah, daughter of Rabbi Shneur Zalman Ganzburg and granddaughter of Rabbi Yaakov Baruch Krasik, the Mashgiach in the Yeshiva in Lubavitch, in 1970, he entered to study in the Kollel Avreichim under the Rebbe's secretariat, and simultaneously began working as a Mashgiach at the Central Tomchei Tmimim Yeshiva in 770.
Upon completing his year of study in Kollel, he asked the Rebbe to go on shlichus, but the Rebbe opposed the idea and instructed him to remain working in the Yeshiva and ask the administration to add work hours. In 1972, he tried again to request permission from the Rebbe to go on shlichus, as part of the momentum of the seventieth year and the Rebbe's announcement regarding 71 institutions, but the Rebbe again rejected his travel and instructed him to continue in his role at the Yeshiva, saying "his shlichus is at 770 like he went to Australia". The Rebbe explained that his work in Tomchei Tmimim would be considered shlichus if he would work with true dedication.
Personal Interactions with the Rebbe[edit | edit source]
He merited several close encounters with the Rebbe. For instance, there was an occasion when he was sent by the mazkir Rabbi Yehuda Leib Groner to deliver a package to the Rebbe's private home. When he arrived at the Rebbe's house, the Rebbe emerged from outside, opened the doors for him, and showed him where to place the package. On another occasion, he met the Rebbe when he was hurrying to the mikvah. At that time, he wasn't wearing his outer garment, and the Rebbe remarked to him: "This isn't Kfar Chabad."
The Rebbe gave him blessings for the birth of his children. During one birth that took place on the night of Tisha B'Av, when there were complications with the newborn's condition, the Rebbe inquired about her status through his attendant Rabbi Sholom Ber Gansburg at frequent intervals. Subsequently, her condition improved. When Rabbi Zarchi named her Chana after the Rebbe's mother in the Rebbe's presence, the Rebbe's face lit up.
During another birth, when doctors ordered an early delivery, the Rebbe instructed not to follow their advice and to wait. After some time, the Rebbe instructed to perform surgery. The baby was found wrapped in the umbilical cord, and due to the Rebbe's instruction, the surgery was successful and the child's life was saved.
Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka instructed Rabbi Zarchi that due to the heavy workload at the mazkirus, he could call the Rebbe's private home phone whenever he needed, and she would relay his requests to the Rebbe.
He serves as the head mashpia and board member at Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva - 770 and actively manages the spiritual aspects of the 'Kvutzah'.
Family[edit | edit source]
- His wife, Mrs. Chaya Sarah - manages the World Office for the Promotion of Taharat Hamishpacha located in Crown Heights.
- His brother, Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Zarchi.
- His son, R' Tzvi Hirsh Zarchi - shliach at Harvard University, son-in-law of Rabbi Yaakov Leib Altein
- His son, R' Meir Zarchi
- His son, R' Menachem Mendel Hillel Zarchi
- His daughter, Chana
Further Reading[edit | edit source]
- Shalom Magidman, "At the Shavuos Maamar Before Dawn, They Felt Matan Torah" Rabbi Zarchi in an interview with Kfar Chabad Magazine issue 1860 (interview completion in issue 1900)
- Shalom Magidman, "Crown of Her Husband", a conversation with Rabbi Zarchi in Kfar Chabad Magazine issue 1895
- "Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi in a Comprehensive Address: 'Avodas HaTefillah' is the Core Point and Impossible Without It", on the 'Lachluchus Geulatis' website
- "Every Chossid and Avrech is Forever a Tomim". Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi in an interview with Beis Moshiach Magazine shares memories from earlier years and details the Rebbe's instructions to Temimim. Beis Moshiach 1383