Rabbi Refoel Wilschansky

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Born to Reb Betzalel Wilschansky on 23 Cheshvan 1924. In his youth, his father was persecuted by the Communists and they wandered from place to place. Studied in Tomchei Tmimim yeshivas in Kursk, Voronezh and Berditchev. In winter 1938, while studying in Berditchev, he was arrested with other yeshiva students and imprisoned in government institutions for several months.

At winter's end, he escaped from the institution. He studied in Kutaisi, Georgia, where he was close to the Rosh Yeshiva Reb Shmuel Notik, learning nigleh and chassidus from him in classes and privately, even sharing a room with him for a period. After World War II, he traveled to Samarkand and was among Reb Nissan Nemenov's students.

In 1946, he traveled to Lvov and was active in the famous "escape", together with his brother Chaim Ber. He also escaped, and after a brief stay in Pocking continued to Paris. There he planned to study in Tomchei Tmimim Brunoy, but the Frierdiker Rebbe appointed him secretary of the refugee aid and settlement office, which became the European Lubavitch Office, under Reb Binyamin Gorodetzky. In this role, he managed Chabad institutions in France and North Africa for many years.

In 1972, he moved to New York and served as mashpia in Crown Heights, working on developing and expanding the neighborhood and was among the founders of "Vaad L'maan Kvod HaRabbonim". Simultaneously, following the Rebbe's instruction, he continued serving as secretary of the 'Office' and was involved in its activities until his last day.

Even after 3 Tammuz 1994, he continued vigorously publicizing the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach's message of geula, and participated in a Moshiach reception at Lincoln Center.

He was a member of Kupas Rabbeinu's administration and spiritual administration of Cheder Ohr Menachem Crown Heights.

Passed away at a good age on 3 Shevat 2016.

Baal Habayis of Tunisia[edit | edit source]

During Sukkos 1971, a UN conference was held spanning the entire week of Sukkos, from the first day until Simchas Torah.

During that year's holiday, the Rebbe spoke about how when nations gather, Jews must also gather and increase in Torah and mitzvos to influence UN representatives against making decisions that could harm the Jewish people.

On Shemini Atzeres that year during the fourth hakafa, the Rebbe established his own "UN", appointing a representative over each country to be that country's "Baal Habayis" according to Torah.

Reb Wilschansky was appointed by the Rebbe as "Baal Habayis" of Tunisia, due to his role as Office secretary responsible for Chabad institutions there.

Family[edit | edit source]

His brother was Reb Chaim Dov Wilschansky.

His first wife was Mrs. Zlateh, daughter of Reb Alexander Sender Menkin, who passed away on 13 Adar 1954. His second wife was Mrs. Chava Wilschansky.

Sons from first marriage:

  • Reb Shneur Zalman Wilschansky - Rosh Yeshiva of Tomchei Tmimim Morristown
  • Reb Yosef Yitzchak Wilschansky - Rosh Yeshivas Chassidei Chabad Lubavitch in Tzfas and Haifa
  • Reb Chaim Eliyahu Wilschansky - Crown Heights

Daughter from second marriage:

  • Mrs. Devorah Reicher - Melbourne, Australia