Publicizing Redemption and Moshiach

In recent decades - in light of the announcements by the Rebbe Rayatz, and later the Rebbe, about the imminent coming of Moshiach - Chabad chassidim have been engaged in publicizing the message of redemption and the identity of the redeemer to the entire world in various ways.
Over the years, the publicizing of this message has spread increasingly, in accordance with the Rebbe's expressions about the proximity of redemption that became increasingly clear. In the years 5751-5752 (1991-1992), when the Rebbe raised awareness about the imminent redemption and announced that Moshiach's revelation had begun, Chabad chassidim launched an extensive campaign that brought this publicity to new heights, under the Rebbe's instruction and encouragement.
In 5753 (1993), the chassidim added to the campaign - with the Rebbe's consent - also the message about publicizing the identity of Moshiach, the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Publicizing Moshiach Until 5751 (1991)[edit | edit source]
Beginning in 5701 (1941), shortly after the Rebbe Rayatz's arrival in America, he announced that we are very close to redemption and called upon all of the Jewish people to prepare for the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu.
During the Period of the Rebbe Rayatz[edit | edit source]
Expanded topic – L'alter L'teshuvah L'alter L'geulah (Immediate Repentance, Immediate Redemption)
Through the "HaKriah V'HaKedushah" (The Call and Holiness) publication that began to be published by the Rebbe Rayatz, the Rebbe addressed a "call" to all segments of the Jewish people, announcing that the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu is very near, and that the war taking place at that time was the birth pangs of Moshiach. The Rebbe called upon all Jewish people to return to teshuvah and strengthen their observance of Torah and mitzvos in preparation for redemption.
The chassidim enthusiastically enlisted to publicize the message of "L'alter L'geulah" (Immediate Redemption) throughout the world. This publicity was done through distributing the "HaKriah V'HaKedushah" publication - where this message ran like a thread through all its sections, and every possible topic was automatically connected to the current message about the coming of Moshiach. Additional methods were also used, such as printing stickers, as well as adding the blessing "L'alter L'geulah" wherever possible - whether in letter signatures, wedding invitations, and much more.

The Rebbe related in a sicha that the chassidim added on their own initiative, along with the call "L'alter L'geulah," they also publicized that the Rebbe is Moshiach.
From that time on, Chabad Chassidus was identified in the public eye as carrying the banner of the imminent coming of Moshiach. The Rebbe once illustrated this by relating at a farbrengen that when the Rebbe Rayatz issued the call "L'alter L'geulah," it received great publicity, with everyone knowing that the Lubavitcher Rebbe speaks a great deal about Moshiach. Things reached the point where once two Jews were traveling on a train and passed by the station near 770, the home of the Rebbe Rayatz, and one Jew said to his friend that here lives the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The second Jew asked: What are Lubavitchers? And the first Jew simply answered: Those are the Jews who believe in Moshiach!
In Our Generation[edit | edit source]
Already in his first maamar (discourse) when the Rebbe accepted the leadership, the Rebbe clarified that the task of our generation - the seventh generation, and consequently the task of the leader of the generation, is to bring the Shechinah down to earth - to bring the true and complete Geulah through Moshiach Tzidkeinu. Throughout all the years, the topic of Geulah and the coming of Moshiach very soon occupied an important place in the Rebbe's sichos (talks), more than was customary then in other circles. These holy sichos and ideas that were heard from the Rebbe were published to the wider public by the Chassidim, and Chabad Chassidus became increasingly identified with the topic of Moshiach.
However, there is no record of special publicity and propaganda, in an extraordinary manner, that was conducted on this subject in the early years. When Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Shemtov proposed, following the Rebbe's call to dedicate the year 5736 as "Year of Education," to give the campaign the name with the acronym: "Mivtza Shnat Yeled Yehudi Chinuch" (Campaign for the Year of Jewish Child Education), the Rebbe rejected this and wrote: "This acronym might prevent others from joining this campaign - completely contrary to the goal."
A great awakening and propaganda about Moshiach occurred towards 10 Shevat 5730 (1970). During the farbrengen (gathering) of Shabbos Parshas Va'era 5730, the Rebbe announced that on 10 Shevat, the completion of the Sefer Torah to welcome Moshiach Tzidkeinu would take place, and instructed that now, as at the beginning of the writing of the Sefer, everyone would be able to participate in completing the writing by purchasing a letter. Anash (Chassidim), especially in the Holy Land, launched a massive campaign for all of the Jewish people to purchase letters in this special Sefer, while spreading the message about the coming of Moshiach very soon. This was published in various newspapers, for example, through the efforts of Rabbi Lipa Kurtzweil and Rabbi Moshe Slonim who approached the Yediot Achronot newspaper editorial office and spoke at length with the chief editor about the content and essence of the completion of this Sefer. The next day's newspaper dedicated an entire page to the topic of Moshiach.
In the 1980s, with the establishment of the Tzivos Hashem organization, the Rebbe increased the focus on the topic of Geulah when he established the slogan "We Want Moshiach Now" for the organization. During that period, the Rebbe repeatedly made a commotion about the need to demand from Hashem the coming of Moshiach immediately and about the great faith and anticipation required. In one of his sichos, the Rebbe addressed various claims that were heard on the subject, and expressed amazement at how it's possible that a Chabad Chassid doesn't know how to answer the question of why we need to make a commotion about the coming of Moshiach.
In the sicha of 7 Cheshvan 5746 (1985), the Rebbe spoke at length about the need to publicize the words of the Chida and the Radak about the importance of requesting and demanding the Geulah. Following this, the Rebbe told about a letter he received from a frightened woman, who told about a strange letter full of nonsense that she received, which demanded that she forward the letter to ten people and included threats if she didn't. The Rebbe instructed her to ignore the letter, of course - but added that the matter is by Divine Providence, and the idea should be utilized for holiness: each Chassid should send to ten people a letter containing quotes from the aforementioned sefarim about the Geulah, and ask them to forward it to another ten.
In 5747 (1987), after the victory in the case of the sefarim (books), the Rebbe issued a call: "We must announce and publicize that in our days we find ourselves in a special time (and place), in which nothing remains but one single matter - and a person must speak in the language of his teacher, in the language of my father-in-law the Rebbe: Stand ready, all of you, for the building of the future Beis Hamikdash with the coming of David Melech Moshicha." The Rebbe added that there is no need to worry about how the world will react to this message, since today the world is ready to accept it.
In the Years 5751-5752 (1991-1992)[edit | edit source]
Extended Article - The Gulf War
In the year 5751 (1991), during the Gulf War - when panic from Saddam Hussein's threats was great and security experts predicted doom - the Rebbe calmed everyone's fears and determined that Eretz Yisroel is the safest place. At the same time, the Rebbe instructed to publicize the Midrash in Yalkut Shimoni that, according to it, all these events point to the coming of the imminent Geulah - the time of your redemption has arrived.
At the end of the Midrash, it describes how "at the time when the King Moshiach comes, he stands on the roof of the Beis Hamikdash and announces to Israel saying: Humble ones, the time of your redemption has arrived!" The Rebbe determined that this part of the Midrash was also fulfilled, and attributed the announcement described in the Midrash to his own announcements in his talks from this period. In light of this, Rabbi Zimroni Tzik wrote to the Rebbe: "In light of the Rebbe's words about 'the year in which King Moshiach is revealed' and 'humble ones, the time of your redemption has arrived,' which is the announcement of King Moshiach according to the Midrash - I request permission to publicize that the Rebbe is King Moshiach." The Rebbe's response was: "As discussed at length relatively speaking in the farbrengen, I will mention it at the tziyun (gravesite)."
During the war, Rabbi Yitzchak Springer thought of organizing a charter - a special flight to Eretz Yisroel, to emphasize it being the safest place. To this suggestion, the Rebbe replied: "To publicize as written in the Torah that the Jewish people here, of his city - and he at their head will increase in Torah and mitzvos simply, and thank you when you inform me how much they have increased in actual deed. I will mention it at the tziyun." According to this instruction, Rabbi Springer printed many advertisements in the general press about increasing in Torah and mitzvos, and distributed forms in various languages where Jews were asked to fill in their good resolutions. Later, Rabbi Springer received the Rebbe's approval for the campaign headline "Lend a Hand to the Coming of Moshiach," and later - "Lend a Hand to King Moshiach" with the Rebbe's picture.
After the famous talk of 28 Nissan 5751 (1991), when the Rebbe asked each and every person to take responsibility and do everything in their power to bring Moshiach, emotions intensified and the need to act intensively on the Moshiach issue became more tangible than ever. This call of the Rebbe was widely published in the media, and public awareness of the Moshiach issue increased. The spreading of the message of Geulah expanded through the chassidim.
The Instructions in the Rebbe's Talks[edit | edit source]
In the Rebbe's talks from the end of 5751 (1991), the Rebbe instructed several times clearly and emphatically to publicize about the imminent coming of Moshiach:
"To announce and publicize everywhere - with words that come from the heart - that Hashem says (through His servants the prophets) to each and every Jew: 'See, I place before you today a blessing,' to the extent that today we literally see with physical eyes the blessing of the true and complete Geulah" — Dvar Malchus, talk of Shabbos Parshas Re'eh 5751, section 11
"We need to publicize to all people of the generation that we have merited that Hashem has chosen and appointed a person with free choice, who is inherently incomparably higher than the people of the generation, to be the 'judges' and 'advisors' and prophet of the generation... Including - the main prophecy - the prophecy that 'immediate redemption' and immediately 'Behold, this one (Moshiach) is coming'" — Dvar Malchus, talk of Shabbos Parshas Shoftim 5751, section 11
"And especially according to the well-known saying of our Rebbes regarding publicizing the coming of Moshiach in newspapers, as has been actually fulfilled in the recent period when it was publicized in many newspapers around the entire world (and one should add and publicize even more) that 'Behold, this one (King Moshiach) is coming', and immediately - has already come - in actual reality" — Dvar Malchus, talk of Shabbos Parshas Nitzavim 5751, 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah and Shabbos Parshas Vayeilech 5752, section 12

The Rebbe explained that publicizing about the coming of Moshiach serves as a litmus test that the person publicizing is himself properly permeated with the subject. Nevertheless, the Rebbe noted that even when a person feels that he himself is not permeated with Moshiach, he should publicize the message to others - who are not at fault for his lack of permeation; and on the contrary, publicizing to others will help him internalize the subject himself.
The Rebbe repeatedly emphasized that one should not fear the world's reaction or the nations' response when publicizing the message of Geulah - since today the world is already prepared for Geulah, and on the contrary - the world assists and demands from the Jew to be in a state of Geulah.
At the international Kinus Hashluchim (Conference of Emissaries) in 5752 (1991), the Rebbe explained at length in his talk to the shluchim that the work of shlichus (emissary work) until now has been completed, and the only thing remaining on which they should focus is to prepare all the Jews in their surroundings to receive Moshiach Tzidkeinu, by explaining to them the concept of Moshiach.
Publication during that period[edit | edit source]
Publication of the Tidings[edit | edit source]
In accordance with the Rebbe's instructions, the Chassidim prominently publicized the tidings of Redemption, which was stated as a clear prophecy. The topic of Moshiach prominently filled Chabad publications, and was also extensively covered in general media. It should be noted that the Rebbe himself edited the advertisements about Moshiach, in both Hebrew and English, which were distributed by the "Shofar Association" organization.
In Sivan 5751 (1991), the Association for the True and Complete Redemption was established by Rabbi Zimroni Tzik, the Rebbe's shliach in Bat Yam. The association began publishing the bulletin "The True and Complete Redemption," whose purpose was to present the Rebbe's words about Redemption in loud and prominent headlines that would awaken the general public. The bulletin addressed all current topics - political, educational, economic and more - all connected to the true and complete Redemption. The newspaper received encouragement from the Rebbe, who even took it with him on his way to the Ohel.

In Elul 5751 (1991), the campaign "Prepare for the Coming of Moshiach" was launched in the Holy Land by Tzeirei Chabad (Chabad Youth). The campaign was distributed throughout the country and created significant resonance. An album documenting the "Prepare" signs that were hung throughout Migdal HaEmek was presented to the Rebbe during dollar distribution by Rabbi Moshe Bardugu, and the Rebbe received it with great satisfaction. On Yud Shevat, the Rebbe took the album with him to the Ohel of the Previous Rebbe, where he looked at each page and examined each picture in great detail.
Special shirts were also presented to the Rebbe that were printed by the World Headquarters for Bringing Moshiach, with the inscription (in English) "Moshiach is on the way." The Rebbe inquired how many shirts were printed. When they told the Rebbe that two thousand were currently printed, he answered that he would take one and there would still be 1999 left... and added: "A yasher koach for the shirt."
To a CNN reporter who asked the Rebbe during dollar distribution: "What message do you have for the world about Moshiach?" the Rebbe answered: "I have already published it, it has been printed in newspapers in all countries, and if you wish to repeat it - repeat and say that Moshiach is ready to come now, and what remains for us to do is to increase in goodness and kindness so that he will come." Another journalist who asked the Rebbe what his message was for the entire world was answered (in English): "Publish in your newspaper that Moshiach is about to arrive, and not only that, but that he is already on the way!"

To Mrs. Judy Shalom Nir Mozes, one of the owners of the newspaper "Yediot Achronot," the Rebbe said: "Your agency is called 'Latest News' - what will be at the end of all days is that Moshiach Tzidkeinu will come. So prepare an empty space in the newspaper as soon as possible, as this itself will hasten his coming, since he will know that the publicity is already prepared, this will pave the way before him." And after giving her an additional dollar, he said: "For the aforementioned latest news very soon."
In Iyar 5752 (1992), in response to a question from one of the shluchim, the Rebbe confirmed that he wanted propaganda to be made in the world that our time is the time of Moshiach's coming, and also instructed that the main emphasis of the shluchim's activities should be on the matter of Moshiach and not just as part of the rest of their shlichus work. On this occasion, the Rebbe also instructed that the main publicity about Moshiach should be as explained in the Rambam and other sources, and not about the fact that there is a Moshiach in our generation, as through recognition of him the concept of Moshiach in general would be accepted. The secretary Rabbi Yehuda Leib Groner, who shared the content of the response with the Chassidim at a gathering held in 770 on the eve of Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5752 (1992), related that on that occasion he asked the Rebbe whether the Rebbe wanted them to instruct who Moshiach is, and the Rebbe answered negatively.
Publishing the Identity of the Moshiach[edit | edit source]
Expanded article – The Lubavitcher Rebbe as King Moshiach
In addition to the prophecy of redemption that the Rebbe asked to publish explicitly, Chabad chassidim see great importance in publishing the identity of the Moshiach. The importance of this publication also stems from the need for the people to accept the Moshiach's kingship.

In the years 5752-5754 (1992-1994), the Rebbe allowed many publications that identified him as the Moshiach, sometimes linking this to the approval of the local rabbi or Chabad shluchim and sometimes giving general approval. To shluchim who reported that they were engaged in publishing that the Rebbe is the King Moshiach and encouraging the acceptance of his kingship, the Rebbe responded positively and expressed satisfaction. Even during this period, there were isolated responses in which the Rebbe expressed reservations about this publication.

The Rebbe's resolute opposition in the past, as opposed to the approval of publication later on, was explained by the Rebbe's chozer (oral transcriber), Rabbi Yoel Kahn: "The command not to say that the Rebbe is the one who will soon be revealed as King Moshiach was initially meant to change. After all, everyone agrees that very soon, when the Rebbe receives instruction and empowerment from Hashem to reveal himself as King Moshiach, to build the Beis Hamikdash, and to gather the dispersed of Israel - certainly it will be possible to say with a full mouth that he is the King Moshiach, and from this it is understood that from the outset this command was destined to change."
Towards the month of Menachem Av 5753 (1993), the Rebbe approved for the first time adding the title "King Moshiach" to his name in the book "Besuras HaGeulah" published by the official Chabad publishing house, Kehot, and later even approved that this title would be printed on all Kehot books.
Year 5753 (1992-1993)[edit | edit source]

Since Shemini Atzeret 5753, when the Rebbe began to regularly encourage the singing of "Yechi" at every opportunity when he appeared before the public, there was increased awakening among activists in the field of publicizing the message of Redemption to emphasize that the Rebbe is the Moshiach, with the Rebbe's approval. The Chabad weekly magazine Kfar Chabad began printing the "Yechi" declaration on the cover. Following this singing and encouragement, many publications were released by Chassidim and Chabad institutions focusing on identifying the Rebbe as King Moshiach, and many of them even received the Rebbe's approval and blessing.
A significant breakthrough in publicizing the Moshiach's identity came with the launch of the "Welcome King Moshiach" campaign during the Chanukah 5753 Tank Parade, which spread the Rebbe's identity as Moshiach in an unprecedented manner and received many responses.
Towards Yud Shevat 5753, marking forty-three years of the Rebbe's leadership, it was decided to organize a worldwide satellite event where the Rebbe's encouragement of the "Yechi" singing would be broadcast by television networks to the entire world. Initially, Chabad rabbis issued a letter opposing the broadcast, but following the Rebbe's approval, they retracted in a subsequent letter announcing that "after the king's word, nothing remains."

The event took place at 770 on the eve of Yud Shevat, with thousands of Chassidim participating, and dozens of reporters and photographers broadcasting the event worldwide. This event created significant media attention and exposed the belief in the Rebbe as King Moshiach and his imminent revelation to all segments of the people.
During that period, Rabbi Moshe Bardogo from Migdal HaEmek submitted another album to the Rebbe, documenting his activities in publicizing the Moshiach's identity in Migdal HaEmek. The Rebbe sent out a bottle of mashke through his secretary Rabbi Binyamin Klein, and went out that day for Mincha prayer after a long period of not going out.
That same year, Rabbi Yitzchak Springer upgraded the publication of advertisements in general newspapers, adding the message about identifying the Rebbe as King Moshiach and the need to accept his kingship. The headline of the advertisement was "Long Live the King Moshiach" and the advertisements featured a picture of the Rebbe. In light of opposition to the publication, Rabbi Springer asked to submit the advertisements he published to the Rebbe. Secretary Rabbi Groner showed the Rebbe the advertisements printed in three languages (English, Hebrew, and Yiddish), read their headlines, and the Rebbe nodded his head in the affirmative to his question whether Rabbi Springer could print them.

The Geulah newspaper that was published 3 days after Gimmel Tammuz

Later, elements that opposed the publication arose and approached the newspaper management with a notice that no one has permission to publish things in the name of Chabad without their approval (a notice that was principally approved by the Rebbe) as they linked this (on their own accord) to Rabbi Springer's advertisements. Chabad Chassidim vigorously protested this move, which was intended to thwart the publication that had received explicit approval from the Rebbe. The Temimim students at 770 published a strong protest on the matter. A long legal battle began with the goal of restoring the ability to publish the advertisements. Among the vigorous activists on the issue were Rabbi Shnuer Zalman Gourary, a member of Agudas Chassidei Chabad, and Rabbi Rami Antian.

For more than half a year, the possibility of publishing advertisements in the Rebbe's name was completely prevented. Towards the 28th of Sivan, partial success was achieved, as newspapers agreed to publish advertisements on Moshiach topics in which only "the Rebbe" was written, without explicitly mentioning "the Rebbe of Lubavitch," even though everyone knows which Rebbe is meant. On the 10th of Elul, the Chassidim achieved success in their struggle when the federal court approved the publication of the advertisements in full in the Rebbe's name.
Merkaz Chabad Ha'olami Lekabbalat Pnei Mashiach[edit | edit source]
Merkaz Chabad Ha'olami Lekabbalat Pnei Mashiach (Worldwide Chabad Center for Welcoming Mashiach) - is an organization established by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hendel in 5756 (1996) with the goal of coordinating all Chabad Chassidic activities on the topic of Mashiach.
The director of the center is Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hendel. The center operates under the supervision of a spiritual committee composed of mashpi'im and activists from the Crown Heights neighborhood.
Beis Mashiach Weekly[edit | edit source]
The center publishes a worldwide weekly magazine called: Beit Mashiach, which serves as the Chabad spearhead in publishing the message of Geulah.
Book Publishing[edit | edit source]
The center has also published many books, primarily on topics of Geulah and Mashiach (such as "Va'ad Sichot Kodesh").
From Then Until Today[edit | edit source]

- 5755 (1995) - Geulah and Mashiach Conventions - Three Hakhel gatherings to publicize the message of Geulah were organized by the Association for the Geulah at the Cinerama Hall, Yad Eliyahu Stadium, and Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv. The "Mashiach Flag" was printed for the first time, used for publicizing Mashiach in various variations. The "Sichat HaGeulah" bulletin began publication. Expanded entry – Geulah and Mashiach Conventions - 5755 (1995)
- 5756 (1996) - On 10 Shvat, a worldwide satellite event for welcoming Mashiach was held, organized by "The Worldwide Headquarters for Bringing Mashiach."
- 5757 (1997) - The Million Fund was established by Rabbi Rami Antian, through which over five million dollars were distributed for activities related to Geulah and Mashiach.
- 5760 (2000) - The bulletin "HaGeulah Me'anyen V'Achshavi" (The Geulah: Interesting and Current) began to appear through the Mashiach Headquarters in the Holy Land. A "Mashiach" card with the Rebbe's picture was printed by the Association for the Geulah. The card has since been distributed in millions of copies.
- 5761 (2001) - Hundreds of Chabad Chassidim began wearing small flags on their suit jackets.
- 5763 (2003) - An advertising campaign about the identity of Mashiach was conducted on buses. The campaign was carried out by Rabbi Yaron Bar Zohar and R' Ilan Chayon.
- 5764 (2004) - The first Geulah and Mashiach rally was held in Bat Yam city to welcome the Rebbe Melech HaMashiach.
- 5773 (2013) - The Geulah and Mashiach Archive was established to make materials for studying the Torah of Geulah and spreading the message of Geulah accessible

- 5774 (2014) - Geulah Motorcycles were launched by Rabbi Meir Tzemach, the Rebbe's shliach in Netanya. In the month of Nissan, the magazine "Olamot" began publication, conveying Mashiach and Chassidic topics in clear language to the general public. On 3 Tammuz, the campaign "Mashiach - One More Small Deed and He is Here" was launched by Machon Mamash.
- 5776 (2016) - A special website for Geulah and Mashiach classes was launched. On 4 Tammuz, a central, powerful and tremendous Hakhel gathering was held, attended by tens of thousands of people from all segments of the public, in Rabin Square under the slogan "Mashiach in the Square."
- 5777 (2017) - The campaign "Good Deeds Bring Mashiach" was launched by Mashiach Campaign. This campaign continued in 5780 (2020).
- 5778 (2018) - On 25 Iyar, the organization "Zman HaGeulah" was established to spread the message of Geulah and the Redeemer online. For 3 Tammuz, a huge gathering was held in Rabin Square called "Mashiach in the Square" for the third time with tens of thousands of Jews; the gathering was publicized in all media outlets and many flocked to it.
- 5781 (2021) - The course 'Mashiach is Real' was launched.
- 5782 (2022) - The series of videos 'Mashiach on the Web' was published. A campaign from Merkaz Hafatzah Mamash featuring billboards with the slogan "Mashiach, One Small Good Deed and He is Here" was launched.
- 5783 (2023) - Tens of thousands of flyers in English were printed titled: "One good deed will change your world forever - will it be yours?", speaking about the Rebbe, about the true and complete Geulah, and about adding mitzvot and good deeds to hasten the Geulah.
Prominent Figures Involved in Publicizing Moshiach[edit | edit source]
- Rabbi Zalman Abelsky
- Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hendel
- Rabbi Shmuel Hendel
- Rabbi Yaron Bar Zohar
- Rabbi Ilan Chayon
- Rabbi Lior Malka
- Rabbi Moshe Bardogo
- Rabbi David Nachshon
- Rabbi Rami Antian
- Rabbi Zimroni Tzik
- Rabbi Ben Tzion Frishman
See Also[edit | edit source]
- The Announcement of Redemption
- Prepare for the Coming of Moshiach
- The Rebbe as King Moshiach
- Welcome King Moshiach
- Flag of Moshiach
- Gatherings of Redemption and Moshiach - 5755 (1995)
- Chabad World Center for Receiving Moshiach

Further Reading[edit | edit source]
- Professor Yirmiyahu Branover, "Large-Scale Signage Campaign with the Slogan 'We Deserve Moshiach'", Beis Moshiach Weekly Magazine, Issue 232 pages 40-41 (5759/1999)
- Mendy Dickstein, "If We Had Continued the Approach of Publishing the Rebbe's Identity as King Moshiach Without Hesitation, We Would Have Already Merited Redemption", Beis Moshiach Weekly Magazine, Issue 1191 page 14 and onward (5780/2020)
- Nachshon Peretz, 'Behind the Scenes' of the Month of Iyar 5751 (1991), Beis Moshiach Weekly Magazine, Issue 1312 pages 22-27 (5782/2022)
External Links[edit | edit source]
- The Rebbe Encourages Activities to Publicize the Announcement of Redemption
- Folder Centralizing Materials for Distributing Matters of Moshiach, from the Geulah and Moshiach Archive
- The Announcement: Collection from Israeli Press during the Years 5751-5753 (1991-1993)
- Don't Retreat in Publishing the Announcement, Move Forward! Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Bukiet, 5753 (1993)
- The Story Behind the Bus - 8 Iyar 5767 (2007)
- About the Moshiach Sign on the Ayalon - 9 Shevat 5773 (2013)
- In Unprecedented Mobilization: Hundreds of Thousands of "Small Deeds" for the Moshiach Campaign of MAMASH - 9 Tammuz 5774 (2014)
- Watch: Moshiach Publicity Returns to Basketball Games - 5 Adar 5775 (2015)
- What Will Be the End? Redemption Is More Real Than Ever - Video from Yahadaton
- Yaakov Broder, The World Is Ready! Comprehensive Overview of the Trend in the Torah Public to Publicize the Announcement of Redemption, in Pensioners' Journal by Merkaz Hafatzah Mamash, Issue 7 - Tishrei 5777 (2016)
- Nostalgic Document: The Rebbe Agreed to Distribute His Picture with the Title 'King Moshiach', on the 'Lachluchiyt Geulatit' Website
- Don't Retreat in Publishing the Announcement • Rabbi Bukiet's Sharp Letter
- Rabbi Lenchner Tells About the Huge Publication in Yediot Achronot Website