Moshiach's Torah - Torosoh Shel Moshiach
Moshiach's Torah is the Torah that Moshiach will reveal when he is revealed and will teach to all of Yisroel. This Torah is the pnimiyus (inner dimension) of the revealed Torah that was given through Moshe Rabbeinu, and through it, the secrets of the revealed Torah will be unveiled.
The method of learning will also be on a different and higher level, where the learning will be in a way of "seeing" - actually seeing what is being learned, not just understanding it intellectually.
In addition to being a "king," Moshiach will also be a Rav who will teach Torah to all of Am Yisroel, as the Rambam states:
"That king who will arise from the seed of Dovid will possess wisdom greater than Shlomo. He will be a great prophet, close to the level of Moshe Rabbeinu. Therefore, he will teach all the people and show them the way of Hashem. All the nations will come to hear him."
As Rashi explains on the possuk in Shir HaShirim, "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth" - "We are promised by Him that He will appear to them again to explain the secret reasons and hidden mysteries... this is the meaning of 'Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth.'" The fact that "at that time" Bnei Yisroel "will be great chachamim and will know hidden matters" will be through Moshiach teaching all the people.
Moshiach will also reveal new and deep levels in Torah and explain to the people its hidden and concealed secrets. The foundation will be the existing Torah, but Moshiach will give it new flesh and sinews. The source for this is from the possuk in Yeshayahu HaNavi: "For Torah shall go forth from Me," which Chazal interpreted as "A new Torah shall go forth from Me."
In another place it states:
"In the future, HaKadosh Baruch Hu will sit and teach a new Torah that He will give through Moshiach."
This Torah will be so deep that: "In the future, HaKadosh Baruch Hu will sit and teach a new Torah that He will give through Moshiach." In this Torah, Moshiach will establish several new halachos, the most well-known among them being the permitting of shechting the shor habar (wild ox) with the fin of the Leviathan. According to current rules of shechita, this would be invalid, but in the future - HaKadosh Baruch Hu will make it kosher. Additional halachos will include: ruling according to Beis Shammai, adding more arei miklat (cities of refuge), and more. However, these halachos will not break the boundaries of halacha, but will all be well-grounded in the patterns of psak (halachic ruling).
Level of TorahEdit
The Torah that was revealed at Matan Torah is the revealed Torah (Torah HaNigleh) which deals with halachos concerning worldly matters through the 248 positive mitzvos and 365 negative mitzvos. All study of Torah wisdom deals with these halachos concerning issur v'heter (forbidden and permitted). Even the study of pnimiyus haTorah in Gan Eden is merely a tiny fraction of the secret of pnimiyus haTorah. This is because the revelation of Torah in our time comes from the external aspect of wisdom - "novlos chochma", while the inner light of Hashem's wisdom, which is the secret of taamei haTorah, was not revealed (even to Moshe Rabbeinu) and will be revealed in the future during yemos haMoshiach. In truth, through Moshiach will be revealed the root of Torah as it exists above the root of Atzilus - Chochma Stima'ah, which is the inner dimension, secrets, hidden aspects and reasons of Torah.
Pnimiyus haTorah is truly unlimited while Torah HaNigleh has limitations. Regarding pnimiyus haTorah that will be revealed through Moshiach it states: "Its measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea."
It is necessary to say that the Torah that Moshiach will reveal will be pnimiyus and secrets of Torah because: A) In the future when the prophecy will be fulfilled "I will remove the spirit of impurity from the earth", there will be no need to study halachos of Torah regarding issur v'heter. B) How will he influence all of Israel who will be thousands upon thousands without measure (after techiyas hameisim) with Torah HaNigleh (However pnimiyus haTorah that will be revealed through Moshiach will be revealed through 're'iyah' to all Israel, as explained below). C) Since Moshe Rabbeinu and Yehoshua will also arise in techiyas hameisim, and Moshiach will teach Torah to ALL Israel, what will Moshiach teach them - they already know all of Torah HaNigleh.
Method of LearningEdit
Moshiach will teach Torah in a way of seeing (similar to seeing with the mind's eye) because when a person learns through the power of binah with understanding and comprehension, the light of intellect becomes concealed in garments of comprehension. Even at the level of chochma which is the abstract intellectual point before the details of comprehension and its garments, it is still within the realm of comprehension which conceals the essence of the matter. This is unlike the power of sight which does not conceal the matter but sees its essence without concealment and garments. (This is also why one can see something in 'one moment' that understanding it and explaining it to others would take many years, unlike sight which is instantaneous because through sight one grasps the thing itself not through a garment). Moshiach who will reveal Torah as it exists in its root in the essence of the Ein Sof will reveal it in a way of seeing, as the verse states "Your eyes shall see your teacher." Through this he will reveal the essence of Torah which will be revealed to all Israel equally, which is why one of the prophecies is that "No longer will they teach one another...for they will all know Me." (This aspect is also connected to Moshiach being a "king" whose teaching of the people is not through knowledge and comprehension but through seeing "in the light of the king's countenance"). Through this method of teaching he will be able to teach all of Israel.
Connection of the Learning Specifically to MoshiachEdit
This revelation will come through Melech HaMoshiach because the root of Moshiach's soul is in the inner dimension of Atik Yomin and even higher in the essence of Ein Sof. He will be a "king" whose essence is inherent elevation and exaltedness which indicates his elevated level, therefore he will reveal pnimiyus haTorah. Unlike Moshe whose soul root is from the level of chochma (inner dimension of Abba) and is called "Moshe Rabbeinu" not "king" - he revealed Torah HaNigleh. However Moshiach, because of his higher root, will reveal pnimiyus haTorah from its root in the essence of Ein Sof.
However, along with this that he will influence knowledge and Torah to the Jewish people, he himself will be higher than them because "to him personally will be revealed infinitely and boundlessly more than what he can reveal to the people" and because of this he will be king over them and elevated above them.
Because of this role and function, Moshiach is described as "Nasi" and with the title "Rav" and is even called "Shepherd" referring to his role of drawing down inner influence to the Jewish people - as a Rav - and not just encompassing influence like a king. For this reason his leadership is connected to Dovid HaMelech because specifically in Dovid HaMelech did malchus shine in an inner way.
However, this function is not his main aspect, since his main aspect is "king". Nevertheless, after he completes his role as king "to break the arm of the wicked" and "to fix the world", his main activity will be teaching Torah to all the people and then his main aspect will be teaching Torah to all the people.
See AlsoEdit
- Melech HaMoshiach
- The Kingship of Melech HaMoshiach
- Torah
- Toras HaChassidus
- Chassidus as a Taste of Geulah
- Kuntres Torah Chadasha Me'iti Teitzei
- Yayin HaMeshumar
External LinksEdit
- Admor Ha'Emtzai - Shaar Emunah - Chapter 55-61 - Torah study: its level, manner, and more.
- Admor Ha'Emtzai - Maamarei Admor Ha'Emtzai - Vayikra I page 193 onwards - The level of his soul, his wisdom, his influence on the Jewish people in knowledge of Hashem and in his leadership.
- The Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach - Likkutei Sichos Volume 35 - Sicha 3 for Parshat Vayigash - Caesar and sub-Caesar in the kingdom of Melech HaMoshiach.
- Torah Chadasha Me'iti Teitzei (The new Torah that will come forth from Me)