Mivtza Bayis Molei Seforim
This campaign is one of the ten Mivtzoim (campaigns) initiated by the Rebbe, which he announced in 1974.
As part of this campaign, the Rebbe emphasized that everyone should fill their home with holy books.
Source[edit | edit source]
The concept of "a house full of books" first appears in Midrashim relating to Korach's arguments against Moshe Rabbeinu: "Does a house full of seforim require a mezuzah?" The Rebbe used this terminology when announcing "Mivtza Bayis Malei Seforim," which aims to transform every Jewish home into a Beis Hamikdash by ensuring it contains, first and foremost, the foundational books of Yiddishkeit, plus as many holy books as possible. This campaign is unique among the ten Mivtzoim as it is not a mitzvah and has no ancient source.
Campaign History[edit | edit source]
During the Shabbos Parshas Nasso 1974 farbrengen, the Rebbe announced a special campaign connected to expanding "Mivtza Torah" that he had established then - "Mivtza Bayis Malei Seforim - Yavneh V'Chachomeha," meaning that everyone should strive to fill their home with holy books and increase their Torah study sessions.
The Rebbe explained that the word "full" should be taken literally - placing seforim on all permissible walls in the house, avoiding only bathrooms and married couples' bedrooms.
The Rebbe emphasized that the purpose of buying seforim is to actually use and learn from them, not to leave them closed in cabinets just to look at through glass.
This directive was in addition to the Previous Rebbe's instruction regarding the three seforim Kesser Shem Tov, Ohr Torah, and Tanya: "It is necessary and proper for Chassidim to have these three seforim, and for known reasons, not to bind them in one volume."
Following the victory in the seforim court case, the Rebbe published "Derech Emunah" by Rabbi Meir ibn Gabbai and ordered it to be sold at an affordable price, and also taught from it during farbrengens. A year later, the Rebbe called to utilize this auspicious day for increased learning, particularly Shulchan Aruch, which was then 500 years since its printing. He also instructed to increase the acquisition of many holy books, both for "Bayis Malei Seforim" and public libraries, for young children, and of course for the central library of Agudas Chassidei Chabad.
In 1992, the Rebbe added that everyone could contribute to redeeming the seforim that remained in captivity in Russia "by having every person - men, women, and children - do something similar by bringing new holy books and writings into their homes or libraries, adding to the books they already have in their 'Bayis Malei Seforim.'"
Foundation Seforim[edit | edit source]
Over the years, the Rebbe emphasized certain holy books as essential for every Jewish home:
- Chumash
- Tehillim
- Siddur
- Halacha books
- Tanya
In one particular sicha, the Rebbe also mentioned Mishnayos or Gemara.
See Also[edit | edit source]
- Residential home
- Public libraries
Additional Reading[edit | edit source]
- Kehos, 'Mivtza Bayis Malei Seforim', page 597
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