Lag BaOmer Parade
Lag BaOmer Parade is a Jewish march through the city streets, which takes places according to the Rebbes directive and request. The parade takes place on 18 Iyar, Lag BaOmer, in honor of the holy sage Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. In this parade children gather in every place, and proudly express their connection to Hashem, through this parade which marches with slogans about loving your fellowman, loving Hashem, and Moshiach.
In the courtyard of 770, such parades have taken place ever since 5703. The Rebbe himself participates in the parade in Crown Heights, when Lag BaOmer falls out on Sunday. Around the world - according to the Rebbes directive - such parades had started to take place starting in the year 5740.
The Parades in 770[edit | edit source]
The parades have started already prior to the Rebbes leadership, as annual gatherings for children, which are regular participants of the activities of "Mesibos Shabbos". These parades had taken place only in the courtyard of 770 (in the 'Shalash'), and were intended to demonstrate Jewish strength, and thereby to strengthen the childrens feeling of connection to Jewish values. The Rebbe himself had participated in these parades and spoke before the children.
In the early years, parades had taken place on different occasions, and starting in 5716, they started taking place annually on Lag BaOmer on years which it fell out on Sunday, which is a day off in public schools.
These parades take place on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights (Brooklyn), and over the years they became more of a larger gathering with the Rebbe, and they marched toward the park. They were organized by the administration of the National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education and Tzivos Hashem.
Current Status[edit | edit source]
Since 5740 (1980), every year Jewish children gather in every city, town and village to proudly express their connection with Hashem, carrying slogans promoting Ahavas Yisroel, Ahavas Hashem and Ahavas HaTorah.
In recent years, a message of Geulah and Moshiach has been added according to the Rebbe's instruction that "the only thing remaining now in the work of shlichus is to actually greet Moshiach Tzidkeinu."
According to various estimates, about a quarter million children participate in recent years in Lag BaOmer parades held at hundreds of locations throughout Israel, from Metulla in the north to Eilat in the south.
Additional Historical Points[edit | edit source]
Since 5765 (2005), a Vaad of Avreichim began distributing Chai Rotel - drinks for parade participants, through Tzeirei Agudas Chabad in Israel.
In 5774 (2014), Chabad rabbonim signed a proclamation to utilize the parade platform for spreading awareness about Geulah and Moshiach and the prophecy of redemption. In 5781 (2021), Hisachdus HaChassidim and the Center for Education and Shlichus organized to increase focus on this topic.
Important Years of Lag BaOmer on Sunday[edit | edit source]
- 5716 (1956)
- 5717 (1957)
- 5720 (1960)
- 5723 (1963)
- 5726 (1966)
- 5727 (1967)
- 5730 (1970)
- 5733 (1973)
- 5736 (1976)
- 5740 (1980)
- 5743 (1983)
- 5744 (1984)
- 5747 (1987)
- 5750 (1990)
- 5753 (1993)
- 5770 (2010)
- 5777 (2017)
- 5784 (2024)
Years When Lag BaOmer Fell During Hakhel But Not on Sunday[edit | edit source]
- 5741 (1981)
- 5748 (1988)
- 5783 (2023)
The Rebbe's Special Instructions Regarding the Parades[edit | edit source]
- As customary in recent years, efforts should be made to hold a "parade" in every location on Lag BaOmer, to emphasize and demonstrate openly to all, even to the common folk, that Jews walk to fulfill their Creator's will, progressing from level to level.
- Especially in countries of prosperity like the United States and similar countries, where Torah and mitzvos can be observed without persecution and intimidation, this situation should be utilized to conduct public parades expressing Jews' progress in matters of Yiddishkeit.
- Organizing celebrations and parades for all Jews wherever they are, both outside Israel and especially in Eretz Yisroel, with separate participation of men and women with complete tznius of course, and children.
The War and the Rebbe's Cry[edit | edit source]
In that year, Rabbi Israel Tzvi Haber, Rabbi Rami Antian, and Rabbi Moshe Dikstein took upon themselves to organize the parade in Tel Aviv, and they advertised that a "magician" would come.
Two leaders of the Charedi-Lithuanian community came out strongly against the parade with a harsh proclamation and published it on the front page of the 'HaModia' newspaper, which was then also controlled by the misnagdim.
As a result, there were chassidim who thought it would be better to cancel this parade, but the preparations continued with the encouragement of mashpiim and rabbonim.
After the parade, Rabbi Moshe Dikstein traveled to the Rebbe and didn't know if his actions were desirable or perhaps the struggle was unnecessary. In the following days, the Rebbe expressed about him: "He is desirable and his actions are desirable."
On 4 Sivan, the eve of Shavuos, in a sicha that the Rebbe said during a farbrengen, the Rebbe praised the virtue of Jewish children who cried out in the city streets the passuk "Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad" and said not to be affected by those who interfere and are busy with machlokes. As an explanation for their motives, the Rebbe said:
"And then comes the bitter rachmonus: where does this really come from?
It's completely incomprehensible: a son of Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov, with all the matters connected with it - how does one become so consumed with sinas chinam?
Not resting, being mevatel from his Torah!... Being mevatel from avodas Hashem!... And looking for Yidden - perhaps they can confuse them, and plant sinas chinam in them!...
The explanation is quite simple: he davens with posul tefillin!..."
The Rebbe went on to explain that without tefillin there is a lack in the subjugation of the heart and mind, and when this is missing, responsibility cannot be expected. The Rebbe demanded from the chassidim not to be drawn into the machlokes and chas v'shalom not to weaken the activities.
Protest[edit | edit source]
The complex situation where the Charedi daily newspaper published an advertisement against the parades led to the rejection of any attempt to publish a protest in the daily. Having no choice, Rabbi Israel Tzvi Haber, one of the parade organizers, published a letter against those who signed the above proclamation in the 'Shearim' newspaper of Poalei Agudas Yisroel, in which he describes the obligation of the parade.
In the following years, the religious and Charedi public in Eretz HaKodesh joined the parades.