Jewish children
Children of Israel - Jewish Children are Jewish children from birth until they become obligated in mitzvos. According to halacha, they are defined as minors. Their obligation in mitzvos is not from the Torah but only from the obligation of chinuch (education). In the language of Chazal, they are called "Tinokos Shel Beis Raban" (children of their teacher's house).
The Rebbe consistently shows special affection for the Children of Israel - he participates in gatherings and parades designed for them, and distributes tzedakah coins to them on many occasions - when entering and leaving davening, on his way to the Ohel, and more. Over the years, he gave many detailed instructions for their chinuch, with the highlight being the establishment of Tzivos Hashem for Jewish children.
The Rebbe's Instructions for the Children of Israel[edit | edit source]
Non-Kosher Sights[edit | edit source]
On 20 Cheshvan 5744, the Rebbe emphasized that it is appropriate for Jewish children of chinuch age to only come in contact with toys in the form of kosher animals, and not the opposite. Also when printing booklets and newspapers that contain drawings of animals, one should be careful that they specifically be kosher animals. The Rebbe explained that for young children, there is a very great influence from the sights they see, and referenced books discussing this topic.
Tzivos Hashem Room[edit | edit source]
The Rebbe instructed that every Jewish child's room should become a Tzivos Hashem room and should contain a Chumash, Siddur and tzedakah box.
Children of Israel and Moshiach[edit | edit source]
Chazal call the Children of Israel "My anointed ones (meshichai)", as it states: "Touch not My anointed ones - these are the children of their teacher's house". The Rebbe explains that this is because in children, the other powers of the soul are not developed, and therefore do not conceal the inner point of the essence of the soul - and therefore the spark of Moshiach is more revealed in them. The Rebbe also spoke several times about the special chayus (vitality) that specifically children have in demanding the Geulah and crying out "We Want Moshiach Now".
See Also[edit | edit source]
- Mivtza Chinuch
- The Twelve Pesukim
- Tzivos Hashem
- Oibershter
Further Reading[edit | edit source]
- "Ki Naar Yisroel V'ohaveihu", Beis Moshiach Weekly, 2nd of Rosh Chodesh Elul 5780, page 44
- Levi Shochat, "When Children Add 'Color' to the Shul", Beis Moshiach Weekly, Issue 1361 pages 26-33 (5783)