Eternal Life

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One of the more emphasized prophecies of the Redemption (Geulah) is the prophecy of "eternal life," the nullification of the possibility of death, and an endless lifespan. The Rebbe innovated that "eternal life" begins even before the Redemption. The source of this prophecy is from the verse:

"He will swallow up death forever and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces" — Isaiah 25:8

Eternal Life for Those Who Rise in the Resurrection[edit | edit source]

The Dispute Between Rambam and Ramban[edit | edit source]

There was a dispute between Rambam and Ramban regarding the resurrection of the dead:

According to Rambam's view, they will rise to life, but after some time they will all return to dust, and then they will exist eternally as souls without bodies.

Ramban disagrees with him and says that they will rise to life and will never return to dust but will live and exist forever. Regarding Rambam's question that if so, the digestive organs of a person would be unnecessary (since one would not eat or drink), he answers that it's possible they will be nourished from the manna and the like.

The Decision of Chassidut[edit | edit source]

Chassidic teachings decide in favor of Ramban's opinion that the ultimate purpose is the World of Resurrection, in which everyone will live forever. Regarding the manner of existence, it is explained that the superiority of the body will then be revealed, meaning the divine life-force that animates it, which is higher than the source of the soul's life-force, to the extent that even the soul will be nourished from the body. This form of existence is like physical eating and drinking (as it is written, "And they beheld God, and they ate and drank" - the vision was in the manner of eating and drinking).

Eternal Life in Moshiach[edit | edit source]

The Redemption newspaper that was published 3 days after the 3rd of Tammuz

In Chassidut, it is explained that the life of King Moshiach comes from the Infinite One Himself, and therefore it is eternal life and death and interruption are not applicable to it. It is also brought in Torat Chaim, Parshat Vayechi, that the life of Moshiach ben David is eternal life.

It is further explained in Chassidut that what our Sages said, "David, King of Israel, lives and exists," refers to Moshiach ben David.

It was decreed upon man: "For dust you are, and to dust you shall return." Moshiach is the first person in the world who lives an eternal life, since he is the one who nullifies the reality of death from the world, as it is written, "He will swallow up death forever." The reality of death was introduced through the sin of Adam, and "everyone agrees that the sin and punishment of Adam will be nullified in the days of Moshiach.

If so, after Moshiach comes, it will be nullified for all of us, but in Moshiach himself it is completely nullified" as explained in Chassidut, that the entire matter of death is because the soul that is revealed in a person's body to animate it is only the extension of life-force, and in the realm of extension, change and interruption are possible, but Moshiach's soul, which is the aspect of yechidah and is the essence of life-force - change and interruption are not applicable to it, but he lives eternal life.

Regarding the question of Moshiach's eternal life, Ramban also believes that Moshiach cannot die, explaining that death was introduced due to the sin of the Tree of Knowledge, and "since everyone agrees that the sin and punishment of Adam will be nullified in the days of Moshiach, therefore, after Moshiach comes, death will be nullified for all of us, but in Moshiach himself it is completely nullified." Ramban also cites the verse that refers to Moshiach: "He asked life of You, You gave him length of days forever and ever."

Eternal Life in the Seventh Generation[edit | edit source]

In all generations, the aspect of yechidah was not completely revealed in the leaders of the generations, and therefore they experienced histalkut (passing).

But in our generation, the Rebbe announced that since the refinement of the world has already been completed, in our days there is the revelation of the essence of Moshiach's life-force, and the reason for the promise that the entire generation, and especially the leader of the generation, merits eternal life is understood. The Rebbe states that since our generation has completed its work and merits the complete Redemption soon, therefore the entire generation merits eternal life.

Our Sages determine that people will die one hour before the resurrection of the dead and then rise again, based on what is said, "For dust you are, and to dust you shall return," but the Rebbe says that this is accomplished through the spiritual work of "May my soul be as dust to all," this is the reason that there exists a possibility that they will not need to die before the resurrection of the dead, but all the people of the generation will pass over alive to the Redemption - without interruption in between.

The Meaning of the Destiny in the Inner Dimension[edit | edit source]

In a discourse on this verse from 5725 (1965), the Rebbe extensively explains the essence of this destiny.

When the world was created, it was created completely full of goodness without evil, and consequently without the concept of death. However, after Adam's sin, evil descended into the world, the possibility of death was created, and eternal life ceased.

Since physical life is connected to and dependent on spiritual life, when a person caused spiritual death to himself through sin, the reality of physical and material death also came into being.

At the giving of the Torah, "the impurity of Israel ceased" and the kelipah and evil were nullified, as was the state of the world before the sin of the Tree of Knowledge. However, after the sin of the Golden Calf, evil and death returned and descended into the world for a second time.

In the future era, the destiny "And the spirit of impurity I will remove from the earth" will be fulfilled, and the reality of death will be nullified.

Our Actions and Service[edit | edit source]

Through hating evil completely.

City of Refuge in the Redemption[edit | edit source]

Regarding the addition of cities of refuge in the future era, despite the fact that there will be no reality of murder and death, see: Extended entry – City of Refuge

External Links[edit | edit source]

How to prepare for eternal life? - Video lesson by Rabbi Zalman Notik

Website Articles

  • All articles on the topic of Geulah and Moshiach on the Geulah website
  • King Moshiach must be alive in a physical body - Rabbi Ginsburg's lesson on the website
  • The Rebbe is alive and exists in a physical body • Rabbi Chalovitch Ginsburg on the website
  • Death - The expiration date on the Geulah website
  • G-d is not looking for people to die for Him on the Geulah website
  • The statistics that can't see from a distance will soon give us all eternal life on the Geulah website
  • 12 Sivan / Holy talk • "And Moses and Aaron with them" on the Geulah website
  • Moving to eternal life without interruption on the Geulah website
  • Moving to eternal life without interruption in the meantime on the Geulah website
  • Results of the OECD organization's research herald redemption on the Geulah website
  • New life: Researchers developed an engineered spinal cord aimed at healing paralyzed people on the Geulah website
  • Facing a medical problem? A series of medical centers are closing on the Geulah website
  • Investigation / Redemptive health: This is how modern medical services will disappear from the map on the Geulah website
  • Eternal life for the Rebbe Shlita King Moshiach on the Geulah website
  • "And I knew my redeemer lives" • 23 years to the "Day of Redemption" 3 Tammuz on the Geulah website
  • Eternal life in physicality began like in the future era on the Geulah website
  • Rambam's Hillula 20 Tevet: Eternal life without interruption in the meantime on the Geulah website
  • The Rebbe is alive and exists in a physical body on the Geulah website
  • Hillula of the living Arizal | Moving to eternal life without interruption in the meantime on the Geulah website

See Also[edit | edit source]

  • Resurrection of the Dead