Erech (Apayim)
Erech (Apayim) is one of the 13 Attributes of Mercy.
Its Meaning[edit | edit source]
This attribute is the root of the attribute of Chesed, but in its source, where it is called "Gedulah" (greatness). This explains the distinction: in Etz Chaim this attribute is called Chesed and not Gedulah, because there it speaks of the Chesed of Ze'ir Anpin of Atzilut, where the vessels are finite and limited, and therefore it is called Ze'ir Anpin (small countenance). This is not the case with Erech Apayim, which is infinite. Therefore, in the Chesed of Z"A, it is called Chesed of M"A (the level of bitul), where the vessels are completely nullified to the Ein Sof, blessed be He. But the aspects of "great kindness" and "abundant kindness" are in the level of Arich Anpin which is above Atzilut, as mentioned above, and as stated in the Zohar regarding "inner Chesed" and "outer Chesed." However, this attribute of Chesed that precedes the world of Atzilut is in the aspect of Gedulah, and therefore from the breaking of the vessels of the world of Tohu was created the Chesed of Yishmael, who is also generous, but his generosity is to display his wealth and the glory of his greatness, and to make a name for himself. This is the opposite of the aspect of bitul, which is from the aspect of "dust and ashes."
This concept of arichut (length/extension) is also transmitted to Abba, about whom it is said "Yesod Abba is long," meaning that its influence and revelation has no end but extends down to the lowest levels, which is Yesod Ze'ir Anpin (and not like the partzuf of Imma, which extends only to Hod of Ze'ir Anpin).
Its Significance[edit | edit source]
The Alter Rebbe explains that Erech Apayim is as its meaning implies - the revelation of the "face" in a manner of length and infinity, because "face" represents the revelation of influence through closeness, love, and fondness, unlike "back" which is like one who throws something over his shoulder. And Erech Apayim means that this revelation should be long and extend all the way down.
This influence is from the aspect of "as You have spoken, saying, 'Hashem is slow to anger (Erech Apayim),'" where speech is in a loud voice and proclamation from the revealed realm, while "saying" is in the heart and in thought. From the aspect of revelation in speech at higher levels, concealment is created at lower levels, like the example of a teacher's speech becoming thought for the student. This aspect of concealment is the root of the revelation of the creation of lower levels, as written in the Arizal's works that from Malchut of Atzilut becomes Keter, Chochmah, Binah, and Da'at in Beriah, and similarly from Malchut of Beriah to Yetzirah, and from Malchut of Yetzirah to Asiyah.
From the Torah, the radiance extends to the Upper Gan Eden, and from the fulfillment of mitzvot it extends to the Lower Gan Eden. This is the meaning of "as You have spoken, saying" - that from the aspect of speech of Torah, saying and concealment are created at lower levels to be the source of revealed influence in Gan Eden for the souls of created beings, as mentioned above. Thus, "let the power of my Lord be increased" to be Erech Apayim, that this revelation should be extended and drawn down further, similar to how the power of Torah and mitzvot is lowered and extended even down to this world, even now, for there are mitzvot that a person eats their fruits in this world, as it is written "If you follow My statutes... your threshing will reach the vintage... and I will give peace in the land," and scripture never departs from its plain meaning.