Dovber Bell

Rabbi DovBer HaKohen Bell is the Rabbi of the Chabad community in Montreal, Canada, and a member of the city's Beit Din (rabbinical court).
Life History[edit | edit source]
In his youth, he studied at Yale University and holds a bachelor's degree in law. During his young years, he became close to Chabad.
He married Mrs. Devorah, daughter of R' Moshe Kazarnovsky and granddaughter of Rabbi Shlomo Aharon Kazarnovsky.
After the establishment of the Crown Heights Beit Din (BD"Tz), he served as secretary of the Beit Din for a period.
Later, he moved to Montreal, Canada, and began serving as the Chabad dayan (judge) in the Beit Din Tzedek of the Montreal Communities Federation, and quickly became a prominent rabbinic-halachic authority in the surrounding Jewish communities.
He was among the founders of the "Beit Chaya Mushka" educational institution, a member of the editorial board of the "L'Chaim" periodical where he publishes a regular column; and is also a sought-after educational consultant.
In the month of Elul 5777 (2017), he was elected to serve as rabbi of the local Chabad community in Montreal.
In addition to his halachic work, he serves as the chief editor of the curriculum produced by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI), and directs the organization's teacher training center.
Family[edit | edit source]
- His brother-in-law, Rabbi Tzvi Yechiel Greenblatt - Chairman of Chabad institutions in Argentina.
- His son-in-law, R' Shmuel Kaufman.
- His son-in-law, R' Chaim Yitzchak Scheiman.
- His son-in-law, R' Levi Katzman.
- His son-in-law, R' Yaakov Bell - England.
- His son, R' Mendel Bell - Crown Heights.
External Links[edit | edit source]
- Lessons and columns by Rabbi Bell on the Chabad website (English)
- His speech about accepting the kingship of the Rebbe Shlita as King Moshiach at an assembly in 770 on 20 Shevat 5752 (1992) (minute 10:02 and onward)
- His speech at the farbrengen of 11 Nissan 5754 (1994) at the foot of the 'Beit Yisrael' hospital (minute 10:42 and onward)