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Chanun is the third tikkun of the 13 tikkunei dikna of Arich Anpin.
Its Meaning[edit | edit source]
It is written "Hashem is merciful and gracious (chanun)," and it is also written "gracious (chanun) and merciful is Hashem," which implies that the name of Havayah flows from the attribute of Chanun. The Alter Rebbe explains that the interpretation of "Havayah is merciful and gracious" means that from the level of Havayah, the source of all creation, the attributes of being gracious and merciful are drawn down. However, "gracious and merciful is Havayah" means that in order for there to be the level of Havayah, which is the aspect of tzimtzum (contraction) and hispashtut (expansion), all this is because He is gracious and merciful.