Ashlag Chassidus

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Rabbi Yechezkel Halevi Ashlag with The Rebbe

Ashlag Chassidus is a dynasty of Admorim and Kabbalists who spread the path of Kabbalah. The founder of the dynasty was Rabbi Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag, author of the "Sulam" commentary on the Zohar (5 Tishrei 5645/1885, Warsaw - 10 Tishrei 5715/1954, Eretz Yisroel).

Conversation Between Rabbi Avraham Simcha HaLevi Ashlag and Tmimim in New York

His son who continued his path was the Admor Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag, also known as "the RABASH" (7 Shevat 5667/1907 - 5 Tishrei 5752/1991). Among his writings: "Shlavei HaSulam," "Dargot HaSulam," and "Igrot HaRABASH." In his youth, he studied at the Toras Emes Yeshiva in Yerushalayim. Another son was Rabbi Shlomo Binyamin Ashlag (5 Teves 5670/1910 - 7 Kislev 5744/1983) who was a Kabbalist, son and disseminator of the teachings of Rabbi Yehuda Leib Ashlag, author of the "Sulam."

Rabbi Shlomo Binyamin's son is Rabbi Yechezkel Halevi Ashlag, who established a beis midrash on Even Ezra Street in Bnei Brak. Rabbi Yechezkel, who strongly encourages the study of Kabbalah, spoke with the Rebbe on various occasions about the subject and wanted the Rebbe to speak with his chassidim about studying Kabbalah. In 5750/1990, he passed by the Rebbe during dollars distribution and asked him to sign a proclamation that all of Am Yisroel should study the teachings of Kabbalah, something that would bring closer the complete geulah (based on what is stated in the Zohar that through studying the Zohar, we will leave galus with compassion).

The Rebbe responded to him that it is accepted in Chabad that Chabad chassidus is built on the foundations of Kabbalah but in the method of Chochmah Binah Daas, and therefore one who studies Chabad teachings also studies Kabbalah. When the Admor repeated his request, the Rebbe replied that as a grandson of the Alter Rebbe, he cannot sign a note saying that one needs to study Kabbalah, from which it could be interpreted that one does not fulfill one's obligation with Chabad teachings. The Admor continued and brought proof from the language of the Alter Rebbe who writes "the words of the Baal Shem Tov according to the Kabbalah of the Arizal," implying that it is not actually Kabbalah. But the Rebbe responded that since the Alter Rebbe writes explicitly in another Igeres HaKodesh, it is not possible that he contradicted himself elsewhere.

Afterward, the Admor brought the Rebbe books from his grandfather, the Baal HaSulam, and the Rebbe gave him an additional dollar for printing the "Sulam" commentary and said (the content): "Although this is not according to the Chabad approach, since this is your Rebbe, then may it be with blessing and success."

Rabbi Avraham Simcha Ashlag, another son of Rabbi Shlomo Binyamin, is Rabbi Avraham Simcha Halevi Ashlag, the Admor of Ashlag (from Shadal Street in Bnei Brak). Rabbi Avraham Simcha has close connections with Chabad chassidus.

Since the 5730s/1970s, he tried to bring the writings of the Sulam to the Rebbe. When asked by one of the Rebbe's secretaries about his intentions, he replied that he wanted to understand the reason for the opposition to the writings of the Baal HaSulam. In response, the secretary created difficulties in Rabbi Simcha's path to meet with the Rebbe.

Through Rabbi Yonatan Borgen and Rabbi Yitzchak Dov Lieberman, whom he sent to be educated as Chabad chassidim, he tried to send the books. Rabbi Borgen asked the Rebbe if he would agree to receive the books, and the Rebbe responded, "zeyer a gleiche zach" (a very good thing). Through Rabbi Lieberman, he sent books, but the secretary left them at the office and did not bring them to the Rebbe.

Rabbi Avraham Simcha related that when he passed by the Rebbe during dollars distribution, after he had incurred large debts due to his efforts in printing the books of the Baal HaSulam and was considering stopping this work, the Rebbe turned to him and asked if he was continuing to print the books. The Rebbe's approach to him came even though he had not spoken with the Rebbe about this matter at all. The Rebbe also turned to the friend accompanying Rabbi Ashlag and told him that a friend should assist in every matter, and therefore he should also assist in printing the books.

Rabbi Simcha was impressed by the Rebbe's divine inspiration and saw this as an instruction from the Rebbe to overcome the difficulties and continue printing the books of the Baal HaSulam despite the challenges.

In Av 5783/2023, while passing through John F. Kennedy International Airport, he spoke with the local Chabad House activists and purchased letters in the Torah scroll of the Children of Israel for his family members through them. He also received from them the book "B'Sod Siach."

In Adar 5782/2022, his son Rabbi Yehuda Leib Ashlag visited the Beis Menachem synagogue in Kfar Chabad and received a book of the Rebbe's sichos from Rabbi Moshe Horowitz.

External Links[edit | edit source]

  • Rabbi Avraham Simcha Ashlag visiting the Rebbe (15:10) - 1 (video not available)
  • Rabbi Yechezkel Yosef Halevi Ashlag visiting the Rebbe (30:35-34:15) - 2 (video not available)
  • The Admor of Ashlag at dollars distribution
  • The Admor of Ashlag visits the Rebbe, 30 Shevat 5750
  • The Admor of Ashlag visits the Rebbe, 24 Sivan 5750
  • Kiev: The Admor of Ashlag revealed his visits to the Rebbe
  • Ashlag - The dynasty's official website (link not active, 25 Kislev 5785)