World Moshiach Congress

The World Moshiach Congress takes place annually at 770 Eastern Parkway, organized by the World Chabad Center for Greeting Moshiach, on the 2nd and 3rd of Tammuz.

The World Moshiach CongressEdit

During the Congress, there is a marathon of classes about redemption and Moshiach given by mashpiim (spiritual mentors), shluchim (emissaries), and visiting rabbis from around the world.

The Congress includes special panels, opening and closing ceremonies, and features a "rally" gathering for the children of Crown Heights.

At the center of the Congress, there is a farbrengen (Chassidic gathering) that continues late into the night at 770, attended by hundreds of Chassidim and yeshiva students.

The Congress was initiated by Rabbi Rami Antian. At this Congress, the niggun (melody) "V'Hu Goaleinu" was sung for the first time.

The Congress is organized annually by Rabbi Dr. Shimon Silman.

Congress for Guests in TishreiEdit

In 2014 (5775), the Eshel Hachnosas Orchim organization, in partnership with the World Chabad Center for Greeting Moshiach, held a Moshiach Congress for thousands of guests who came to celebrate the month of Tishrei in the Rebbe's presence. The conference took place on the 13th of Tishrei in the Oholei Torah Yeshiva hall.

Moshiach Congress in the Holy LandEdit

Every few years, a Moshiach Congress is held in the Holy Land by the Association for the True and Complete Redemption. Hundreds of activists and the Rebbe's shluchim participate. At the Congress, participants strengthen one another and work "to devise plans on what to do and how to do it to bring about the actual revelation in the world."

European Moshiach CongressEdit

Since 2000 (5760), the European Moshiach Congress has been held annually at Beis Moshiach London, with the participation of mashpiim, rabbis, and shluchim from around the world and the Holy Land who gather throughout the week. The Congress takes place on the weekend close to the 19th of Kislev - the Festival of Redemption - and concludes with a festive Melave Malka meal.

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