Sefiras HaHod

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Sefiras HaHod


Sefiras HaHod is the 8th sefirah (from above) among the Ten Sefiros, and the fifth among the middos (emotional attributes). The inner meaning of Sefiras HaHod is expressing gratitude to Hashem Yisborach and acknowledging Him. It also relates to wholeness and completeness.

This sefirah is the second in NHY (Netzach, Hod, Yesod), which are sefiros connected with outward influence. Sefiras HaHod is positioned on the left axis and works together with its counterpart on the right axis - Sefiras Netzach. Together they are called 'trein shokin' (two legs), as they are the sefiros that support the world, being like legs for the other sefiros.

Its Essence[edit | edit source]

Sefiras HaHod is a branch of Sefiras Gevurah. The essence of Gevurah is yirah (fear/awe), which operates through closeness - when one is close to something, they feel fear and bitul (nullification) before it. Sefiras HaHod is a branch of yirah - when one is in a state of distance, they only acknowledge their bitul to it, but don't experience it internally.

HaHod is the middah of Aharon HaKohen, "shoshvina d'matronisa" (escort of the Queen), whose entire purpose was to serve Klal Yisroel with love. This is why he was called 'lover of peace and pursuer of peace, lover of creation who brought them close to Torah.' This is the middah of humility, the most elevated of all middos and the foundation of every good middah. The middah of Hod transforms the sense of "I" that divides in the nefesh habehamis (animal soul) into "nothingness" and self-nullification, and there is nothing more beautiful than this. A person of grace, hod, and glory more than a "good heart" full of humility, awakens and reveals within a person the love of Hashem and gratitude to Him. Along with this comes love for others, and when a person's life is filled with humility, gratitude, and joy, they are peaceful and happy.

Since the middah of Netzach within Hod illuminates, special kochos are given to make a constant, continuous, and eternal effort to realize the purpose of our neshamah's descent to this world with determination, through humility and bitul, and with a feeling of deep inner obligation, to prepare the world for the geulah. Then, Hakadosh Boruch Hu will dwell in all His essence in this world as a person dwells in their home, and to those who fear this, Hakadosh Boruch Hu promises that He will walk in our world.

Netzach and Hod[edit | edit source]

These two sefiros, Netzach and Hod, are connected to each other, as these two sefiros are trein shokin that support the body.