Rebbetzin Sheina

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Rebbetzin Sheina was the wife of the Mitteler Rebbe.

Life History[edit | edit source]

The Rebbetzin was the daughter of the chossid Reb Yaakov, one of the Alter Rebbe's chassidim who served as a melamed in the town of Yanovitch and had five daughters.

The Alter Rebbe took her as a bride for his son, the Mitteler Rebbe, after the melamed shared his troubles in yechidus that he was worried about how to marry off his three daughters who had reached marriageable age, since no chossid wanted to marry them due to their poverty, and therefore he couldn't daven with the proper kavanah required of a chossid. When the Alter Rebbe heard this, he said: "I will make a shidduch with you, and through this all the chassidim will also want to become your mechutanim."

He approached his son the Mitteler Rebbe and suggested the shidduch. The Mitteler Rebbe, who yearned to hear the wedding maamorim that his father would say, wanted the shidduch to happen as quickly as possible, and at age 14 in 1788 married Rebbetzin Sheina.

Afterwards, all the daughters of his father-in-law - the melamed - married chassidim and men of good deeds, including Reb Yisroel Shatz, and Reb Shmarya Berlin, and others.

The Rebbetzin raised in her home Rivka and Gitel, the daughters of her daughter - Rebbetzin Chaya Sarah.

Upon the passing of Rebbetzin Shterna, wife of the Rebbe Maharash, the Rebbetzin sent a messenger to her son-in-law, the Tzemach Tzedek, requesting him to make a shidduch with one of her two orphaned granddaughters who were growing up in her home.

After a whole series of events, the Rebbe Maharash married Rebbetzin Rivka.

On the day of the chuppah, the Tzemach Tzedek instructed his son to go to the kitchen and request a bracha from his grandmother Rebbetzin Sheina, who was busy there. The chosson went to request her bracha, but she replied with strictness that the day was still long, and she would bless him at the time of the chuppah. When the chosson returned and conveyed her words to his father, he commanded him to return again to the Rebbetzin and demand from her to bless him specifically now.

When the Rebbetzin realized that the chosson would not give up, she requested water to wash her hands, placed her hands on his head and in the presence of two witnesses blessed him with these words: "May it be His will that all the kochos that I inherited from my husband should rest upon your head."

Her dates of birth and passing are not known.

Family[edit | edit source]

  • Her son Reb Menachem Nachum
  • Her son Reb Baruch Shmuel
  • Her daughter Rebbetzin Sarah Derbaremdiker - married to Reb Eliezer Derbaremdiker son of Reb Meir of Pikov son of Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev
  • Her daughter Rebbetzin Beila Volis - married Reb Yekusiel Zalman Volis in 1807
  • Her daughter Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson - married to the Tzemach Tzedek on 5 Kislev 1804
  • Her daughter Rebbetzin Devorah Leah Twersky - married to Yaakov Yisroel Twersky on 6 Shevat 1811
  • Her daughter Rebbetzin Bracha - married to Reb Yona of Zhitomir on 14 Shevat 1808. They lived their entire lives in Lubavitch
  • Her daughter Rebbetzin Menucha Rochel - married to Reb Yaakov Culi Slonim
  • Her daughter Rebbetzin Esther Miriam - details about her are not known
  • Her daughter Chaya Sarah - married first to Reb Aharon Alexandrov of Shklov (son-in-law of the Mitteler Rebbe) on 15 Menachem Av 1826. After her husband passed away on 24 Iyar 1837, she married for the second time to Reb Aharon Zaslavsky of Kremenchug, son of Rebbetzin Freida (daughter of the Alter Rebbe), in 1843
  • Her daughter Rebbetzin Shterna Freida