Rachamim Antian (Rami)
Rabbi Rachamim Antian (Rami) (June 22, 1955 - September 28, 2001) was a Chabad Chasid, businessman, philanthropist, activist and promoter of the Redemption message.
Life History[edit | edit source]
Rachamim served in the Israeli Navy. His first meeting with the Rebbe was when he arrived in the United States in 1976 with a delegation that included several ships, to participate in America's bicentennial celebrations. Several delegation members including Rami visited 770, and this meeting with the Rebbe left a deep impression on his heart.
After his military service, he worked as a sports journalist. At the newspaper, there was also a religious Zionist writer, and Rami would direct questions about Torah and faith to him. When he could no longer answer the many questions, he referred Rami to his friend Rabbi Moshe Dickstein, who became Rami's close friend. On Rabbi Moshe's advice, Rami went to study at the Chabad Chassidic Yeshiva in Tzfat. After his marriage, he managed the physical aspects of the yeshiva and conducted fundraising missions worldwide. One of his achievements was purchasing the "Rakefet" hotel which became the yeshiva dormitory. When moving into business with the Rebbe's blessing, he performed an extraordinary act of kindness by taking on all the yeshiva's debts totaling about $2.5 million, which he paid off completely within about ten years.
Over the years he received special blessings and encouragement from the Rebbe. The Rebbe once addressed him during the distribution of the cup of blessing by his nickname 'Rami' although he had never written to the Rebbe that way, and he received the Rebbe's guidance and answers regarding his business affairs.
In 1989 he moved to Crown Heights with the Rebbe's blessing. He ventured into business and saw blessing in them until he became wealthy, as the Rebbe had blessed him. His businesses included a cleaning products company and a television marketing company. During this period he became known as a great host and philanthropist on a large scale - dozens of guests would eat at his table every Shabbat and hundreds during holiday months. Next to his home he established the 'Beit Yoav' synagogue where special Chassidic gatherings were held.
Rami had special enthusiasm for matters of Redemption and Moshiach, publicizing the message of Redemption and the eternal life of the Rebbe King Moshiach, and devoted his life to publicizing the Rebbe's prophecy of Redemption.
He donated his wealth primarily for spreading the message of Redemption and the Redeemer, and established the "Million Fund" for this purpose, through which he distributed over five million dollars to Moshiach-related charity causes.
He initiated the World Moshiach Congress to welcome Moshiach which was held annually by the World Chabad Center for Welcoming Moshiach.
He organized the World Unity Event (Satellite) on the 10th of Shevat 1996 connecting five continents.
Along with his work in publicizing the Redemption message, and as part of his unique personality, he was exceptionally knowledgeable in Chassidic teachings. In the weekly class on 'Hemshech 5666' held in his home, attended by married students and mentors from Crown Heights, he amazed those present with his knowledge and understanding. This expertise was also well evident in his 'Dvar Malchut' classes which he delivered with good taste and clear explanation at the Chabad House in Ramat Gan managed by Rabbi Mordechai Gal.
In the second half of the 1990s he lost his wealth and moved to live in Sha'arei Tikva in the Holy Land, where he established a Chabad House.
He passed away from cardiac arrest after Hakafot on Simchat Torah night 2001 in Sha'arei Tikva at the prime of his life.
Awaiting Moshiach[edit | edit source]
In 1981, Chasid Rabbi Rachamim Antian organized a children's summer camp in Tzfat under the slogan and title: "I believe with complete faith in the coming of Moshiach."
When the camp ended and Moshiach had not yet come, one child who was so imbued with yearning for Moshiach's coming wouldn't stop talking about it, to the point that he would climb to the roof at night to search for Moshiach... The child's parents, who weren't observant, worried he had lost his mind.
In 1991, after the Rebbe's talk on 28 Nissan, Rami remembered that incident and wrote to the Rebbe about it, concluding painfully: "And I ask, Master of the Universe! If only for one Jewish child who after two thousand years that 'we have not seen our signs' - whose soul was consumed with waiting for Moshiach, isn't it appropriate that the Redemption should already come through King Moshiach?!..."
To this the Rebbe answered: "This was my argument in the known talk, I will mention it at the gravesite."
Memorials[edit | edit source]
In June 2010 his family announced the beginning of writing a Torah scroll in his memory. In March 2011 a ceremony was held bringing the Torah scroll to the sanctuary of the Chabad Chassidic Yeshiva in Tzfat - which Rabbi Antian was among its founders and establishers. At the Torah dedication a booklet called 'Crazy About Moshiach' describing his life story was published, written by Rabbi Moshiach Friedman.
In January 2019, a book containing Rabbi Rami's classes from his final years was published. The book's publication was initiated by Mrs. Devorah Leah Herzog.
Family[edit | edit source]
His wife Mrs. Dorit Antian, United States His son David Menachem Mendel (Meni) and his wife Mrs. Hinda Yael - Hollywood, Florida His son, Rabbi Ovadia Menashe, and his wife Mrs. Chaya Mushka Antian - Melbourne, Australia His son, Rabbi Chaim Antian His son, Rabbi Itamar Antian - Florida