Rabbi Shmuel Menachem Mendel Butman

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Rabbi Shmuel Menachem Mendel Butman (also known as Mule) (24 Shevat 5703 - 16 Tammuz 5784/1943-2024) served as director of Tzeirei Agudas Chabad of the United States, chairman of the Global Rambam Completion, chairman of the Association of Descendants of the Alter Rebbe in the United States, and chairman of the World Headquarters for Bringing Moshiach. He served as chazan for some of the High Holiday prayers at 770.

Life History[edit | edit source]

Born on 24 Shevat 5703 in the Soviet Union to his father Rabbi Shneur Zalman Butman and his mother Mrs. Yehudit, descendants of the Tzemach Tzedek.

After years of suffering under the Communist regime, the family managed to escape after World War II. They settled in Paris, France, among the many Chassidim who made the city their temporary home.

He merited to meet the Rebbe when he came to Paris in 1947 to accompany his mother, Rebbetzin Chana, to the United States.

He immigrated to the United States with his family on 13 Adar I 5714/1954.

In 1966, he married the daughter of Rabbi Moshe Aharon Geisinsky.

In Sivan 5784/2024, he suffered a heart condition and was hospitalized in intensive care. After about a month, he passed away on 16 Tammuz 5784/2024 at the age of 81.

Director of Tzach New York[edit | edit source]

His prominent role was as director of the Central Tzeirei Agudas Chabad ("Tzach"), which was Chabad's outreach arm in the New York area.

Working together with Rabbi Dovid Raskin, Tzach supervised Chabad centers in the area, coordinated the Rebbe's holy mivtzoim activities, organized the mitzvah tank parades, and participated in many other activities.

One of his notable achievements was creating the world's largest menorah, designed by renowned artist Yaacov Agam. The menorah stands prominently on Fifth Avenue in New York, bringing Chanukah and Jewish light to millions of Jews.

In his role, he organized central menorah lightings throughout New York City, the most famous being the lighting of the world's largest menorah, attended by public officials and senators. He also organized the international sukkah in Manhattan. Rabbi Butman maintained close connections with members of the Jewish Federation, United Jewish Appeal, Israeli Consulate, and other Jewish organizations in the United States.

Each year, he organized a farbrengen with the Governor of New York on 11 Nissan, during which education days were established at the opening of the Assembly session according to the Rebbe's years.

Global Rambam Completion[edit | edit source]

Rabbi Butman organized the central Rambam completion celebration, held in the Tomchei Tmimim Oholei Torah hall in Crown Heights, New York.

Chairman of the World Headquarters for Bringing Moshiach[edit | edit source]

The World Headquarters for Bringing Moshiach, led by Rabbi Butman, was established in 1991, as a global headquarters to coordinate activities for bringing Moshiach in the world. The headquarters was located in Crown Heights and a central part of its activities and meetings took place at 770 - Chabad World Center.

On 3 Iyar 1991, following the famous sicha of 28 Nissan, several mashpiim, shluchim and askanim from Anash gathered and decided to establish a Moshiach headquarters. Rabbi Shmuel Menachem Mendel Butman was elected as chairman. The following were elected as headquarters members: Rabbi Moshe Slonim, Rabbi Nachum Yitzchak Pinson. The headquarters' plans were outlined and it was decided to hold an urgent meeting at 770 the next day regarding the headquarters' activities - a meeting that was later defined as the 'founding meeting'. All this was written in a report to the Rebbe signed by Rabbi Gershon Mendel Grelick, Rabbi David Nachshon and Rabbi Shmuel Menachem Mendel Butman, with the Rebbe's title written as "K"K Admor Shlita Melech HaMoshiach" and in the center of the second page appeared the text: "Yechi HaMelech K"K Admor Shlita Melech HaMoshiach L'olam Va'ed". The Rebbe responded to the report: "All attached here was taken to the Tziyun".

A significant activist and supporter of the headquarters' activities was the chairman's son, Rabbi Zev Wolf (Velvel) Butman.

The headquarters operated mainly between 1991-1994 when some of its activists and supporters continued to operate independently.

Headquarters Activities[edit | edit source]

The headquarters conducted many activities, including:

Continuous cycle of Geulah and Moshiach classes - 24 hours a day Printing shirts, stickers and placards Conventions, awakening gatherings and lectures Joyous dancing to receive Moshiach Tzidkeinu Moshiach store in Crown Heights Publishing advertisements in newspapers Major rally in Malchei Yisrael Square Declaration of 3 Tammuz as "International Moshiach Day" Satellite broadcast 10 Shevat 5753 Satellite broadcast 10 Shevat 5756 For a certain period, the headquarters funded the printing of the Yechi HaMelech pamphlet Even after 3 Tammuz, continued publishing the pure faith in the eternal life of the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Shlita and the fulfillment of the prophecy of Geulah, and even participated and spoke at Geulah and Moshiach gatherings held in 1995 by Rabbi Zimroni Tzik.

Presenting Moshiach Headquarters Publications to the Rebbe[edit | edit source]

On 24 Menachem Av 1991, during Sunday dollars distribution, Rabbi Butman, together with the manufacturers, presented a shirt printed with (in English): "Moshiach is on the way", "Here comes Moshiach" and "Let's be ready", reporting that they produced two thousand such shirts. The Rebbe's response (in Yiddish) was: "If you give one to me, there will remain 1,999... So leave one here". Rabbi Butman gave the Rebbe the shirt and the Rebbe gave the manufacturers an additional dollar saying: "For the shirt".

During Sunday dollars distribution on 26 Marcheshvan 5752, during the International Kinus Hashluchim, Rabbi Butman passed with his son Rabbi Velvel and gave the Rebbe an advertisement about Moshiach being distributed worldwide. The illustration showed the Beis Hamikdash on clouds and stated: "Moshiach is on the way!" (in English) and "Here comes Moshiach!". The Rebbe responded (in Yiddish): "Great yasher koach" and gave him an additional dollar saying: "For the picture". After they passed, the Rebbe called them back and asked about the son: "Did he also participate in this?". Rabbi Butman said his son arranged it and the Rebbe gave the son an additional dollar saying: "There should be good tidings".

Organizing and Hosting the Satellite Broadcast of 10 Shevat 5753[edit | edit source]

On 10 Shevat 5753, a 10 Shevat farbrengen was held at 770, broadcast by satellite worldwide. The broadcast showed the Rebbe encouraging the singing of Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu V'Rabbeinu Melech HaMoshiach L'olam Va'ed with his holy hands. The farbrengen was organized by Rabbi Butman. The special event received extensive media coverage, many media outlets reported extensively on the special broadcast, and even transmitted the broadcast live. Ten minutes before the start of the 'live broadcast' from 770, the special host, chairman of the 'World Headquarters for Bringing Moshiach' Rabbi Shmuel Butman, opened the gathering. The host used the minutes remaining until the broadcast and explained well to those present in the hall the greatness of the occasion, the importance and need to behave accordingly, especially when the whole world is in 'live broadcast' with us.

With the opening of the satellite broadcast, the crowd said the Rebbe's chapter of Tehillim, and then Rabbi Butman delivered opening remarks followed by speeches from: Rabbi Yehuda Kalman Marlow, as representative of the Crown Heights Beis Din; Rabbi Shneur Zalman Gurary, as representative of Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch and Agudas Chasidei Chabad; Rabbi Yitzchak Hendel, who read the psak din that the Rebbe is Melech HaMoshiach; and Rabbi Yoel Kahn who spoke about the obligation to publicize Moshiach in the world. The Rebbe came out to the special room. The crowd began singing 'Orech Yamim', and the blinds were raised.

After Maariv, the Rebbe came out to the balcony. Rabbi Zalman Gurary blessed the Rebbe for Yud Shevat, and proclaimed accepting his kingship anew as Melech HaMoshiach when he concluded with the proclamation of Yechi, and immediately the crowd began singing Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu V'Rabbeinu Melech HaMoshiach L'olam Va'ed. For eight minutes the Rebbe encouraged the singing of Yechi.

Chairman of the Alter Rebbe's Descendants Association in the USA[edit | edit source]

Rabbi Butman served as chairman of the Association of the Alter Rebbe's Descendants in the United States. Every year on 24 Teves, the yahrtzeit of the Alter Rebbe, he organized a farbrengen gathering for the Alter Rebbe's descendants, with the participation of distinguished rabbis and public figures.

Weekly Video Program[edit | edit source]

From 2008 until his passing in 2024, he delivered a weekly video program in Hebrew called "Motzei Shabbos Chai" on Chabad Online and a weekly program in English on COLLIV.

Rabbi Butman served for many years as a baal tefillah in Beis Chayeinu during the Yamim Noraim from the mid-1950s, primarily for Mussaf on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and in his later years he served as baal tefillah at 770 on Motzei Shabbos Selichos.

His Book[edit | edit source]

In 1947, he merited to be present when the Rebbe visited Paris to accompany his mother Rebbetzin Chana on her way to the United States.

After years of collecting and research, in 2015 he published the book 'The Rebbe in Paris', which chronicles the events surrounding the three periods when the Rebbe stayed in the city. The book was printed in full color format accompanied by dozens of pictures and documents by Chazak Publishing. In 2017 he published an expanded edition of his book.

His Family[edit | edit source]

  • His brother Rabbi Shalom Ber Butman - gabbai and mashpia at the Chabad synagogue Nachalas Binyamin in Tel Aviv.
  • His brother-in-law Rabbi Yoel Cohen.
  • His brother-in-law Rabbi Yehuda Leib Sverdlov.
  • His brother-in-law, Rabbi Shalom Dovid Geisinsky - among the prominent residents of Crown Heights. Previously Rosh Mesivta at Ohalei Torah, and currently meshiv in the Kvutza Students Association.
  • His son, Rabbi Velvel Butman - director of Chabad House in Westchester County, New York (in Purchase and Rye).
  • His son, Rabbi Yossi Butman - director of Chabad House in Westchester County, New York (in Armonk, Chappaqua and Pleasantville).
  • His son-in-law, Rabbi Mordechai Newman - director of Chabad House in Alexandria and Arlington, Virginia.
  • His son-in-law, Rabbi Ben Tzion Korf (son of Rabbi Pinchas) - director of Tomchei Tmimim Miami.
  • His son-in-law, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Heber - director of Chabad House in Westchester County, New York (in Yorktown).

See Also[edit | edit source]

  • The World Headquarters for Bringing Moshiach

Further Reading[edit | edit source]

  • Beis Moshiach Weekly 1419
  • "Model of the Seventh Generation" - article after his passing, Weekly Issue 1420 pages 26-32
  • Rabbi Shmuel Butman in an interview conducted on 24 Teves